Saturday, August 31, 2019

Causal Argument Essay

In a split congress, our government tends to bicker among minor issues, which leads to turmoil among the nation. With a deadline for the 2014 fiscal year budget, our congress couldn’t agree on the amount of money being funded to Obamacare and the Medical Device Tax. Republicans fought for cutting of Obamacare funding, while the Democrats opposed and eventually won out. As October 1st approached, Republicans made a proposed budget that cut the funds for Obamacare that would cripple it as a government program. When the Democrats rejected the proposed budget, our government went into a partial shutdown, which lasted until the 17th of October. The Continuing Appropriations Act 2014 has allowed us to keep our current spending levels until January 15th and the debt ceiling will be extended to February 7th. Republicans made a feeble attempt of scaring the Democrats into doing what they wanted, which in turn, back fired and caused a negative press toward the Republicans (McCullough). Tourists and travelers worldwide have also become angry over the shutdown and US citizens are seeing the affect our shut down is having on countries all over the world, such as France, Germany, and England. This government shutdown is going to lead to many economic issues such as lost jobs, a weakened economy, and Obamacare funding, which could weaken large businesses. When the government shutdown, 800,000 non-exempt government employees were furloughed and loss there income for over two weeks. Once these non-exempt employees returned to work, they were paid for their lost wages, which is another hit on government spending. The White House projected that a one week government shutdown would cost the U.S. economy 10 billion dollars (Stein). As of October 22nd, the economy has lost 24 billion dollars and more than 3 billion dollars in lost government services. Large businesses also took a huge hit with the shutdown because they had to furlough employees and U.S transportation systems weren’t running so certain goods were not delivered on time. When the temporary  budget was passed, it funded Obamacare, which requires large businesses to provide health insurance in 2015 and that is another financial impact that could decrease the pay for the low-income workers in larger businesses (Walshe). With 24 billion less dollars in the economy, it will now be difficult for international stocks as well as revenue for large businesses to make the expected profit gains. Pamela Sampson of Yahoo News, released an article with the title: â€Å"Global Stocks jittery after US Government shutdown†, where she discusses how the British, French, German, and U.S stocks plummeted after the shutdown. Asian stocks rose partially after a public holiday, but international trade nearly halted (Sampson). United States’ foreign policy will also be widely effected by the government shutdown because outside countries may lose trust in our abilities to pay back our debts. Necessary deals with Syria about possible bombings and the European Union about the Transatlantic Free Trade Area were suddenly stopped. The Transpacific Strategic Economic Partnership was not able to be discussed at the Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting because President Obama couldn’t attend, which would have helped end Chinese influence on our country (Sampson). The public opinion of US citizens and travelers from overseas are always important because it earns credibility to the administration which is running the country at any given time. Polls from CNN and Fox News (one democratic-biased and one republican-biased website) showed that Republicans were to blame for the government shutdown, which may affect voters in the 2016 election. A Gallup Poll also showed an 11% approval rate of the congressional branch of the government, which was at an all-time low (MSN). Tourists from all over the world were up in arms about the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, and the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial, being shut down due to the government shutdown. Luckily, the state of New York made a deal with the national government in which they would absorb the bill to open the Statue of Liberty. Every National State Park was also closed after the shutdown, which decreased the tourist industry. In return, a decrease in tourist around our national parks, leads to a decrease in profit for businesses close in proximity to national parks. Jim Geraghty, a  columnist for the National Review Online, stated: â€Å"Harry Reid doesn’t want to minimize the pain of the shutdown. He wants to maximize it.† As you can see, the media is not behind congress and they have lost any support they once had due to this government shutdown (Taylor). Shutting down our government doesn’t just hurt the economy, trading, foreign deals, and public opinion, it also creates a bigger rift between the Democratic dominated Senate, the Republican dominated House, and the Presidential Administration. The Continuing Appropriations Act 2014, or the deal which ended the shutdown, will buy congress until February 7th, but the rift between the house and senate may cause us to shut down again after this date. John Chambers said, â€Å"We think that we’ll be back here in January debating the same issues† and it seems as if Obama agrees. Obama told reporters, â€Å"Hopefully, next time, it will not be in the 11th hour†, which seems to show his lack of support for our congress (Taylor). Government jobs were furloughed, worldwide stocks and economies dropped, foreign policy and trade halted, and a loss of tourism and US support; all due to Republicans not being able to deal with Obamacare, which they passed in 2010. Althou gh we extended the time allowed for the debt ceiling and the spending levels, we have once again ran around the real issue and found a cop out (McCullough). With a loss in global revenue, our stock, as well as, international stocks dropped tremendously and are still recovering. Trade amongst international countries and the United States has been minimized because foreign countries aren’t sure if they will get paid back the money that the United States has borrowed. Not only did National Parks close, but some of the biggest world monuments were shut down and tourists from all over the world were enraged by the amount of money they paid to see the monuments in the United States (Walshe). Public opinion on the United States, the Republican Party, and Congress have diminished because citizens and outside foreign leaders are losing trust (Sampson). Economic struggle, crippled foreign policy, and a loss of support will only lead to the further struggle of our country and eventually lead into another government shutdown in 2014. With a 2016 election approaching in 3 years, this government shut down proved to a lot of people how destroyed our congress has become; and polls showing how Republicans should be blamed have now made it even easier  than it already was for a Democratic Administration to be brought into power in this upcoming election. Foreign trade issues, nuclear weapons in foreign countries, and international stocks decreasing, may lead t o either another war or losing support and allies in other parts of the world (Taylor). Now, we must wait to see if our congress can pull together their differences and create a deal that will stop the fighting amongst parties and lead us in a forward direction as a complete country. Bibliography McCullough, Ian. Forbes. 03 10 2013. 18 10 2013. MSN. 22 10 2013. 22 10 2013. Sampson, Pamela. Yahoo News. 02 10 2013. 20 10 2013. Stein, Sam. Huffington Post. 07 10 2013. 19 10 2013. Taylor, Andrew. The Northwestern. 10 2013. 20 10 2013. Walshe, Shushannah. ABC News. 17 10 2013. 20 10 2013.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Frank O’ Conor – Oedipus Complex

My Oedipus Complex Frank O’Connor Question: What do you think of Larry’s attitude to his father? Do you think his behavior is justified? Explain your answer. Answer: Larry in the story â€Å"My Oedipus Complex† has a very composite character made of hardness. With very few things that he noticed and experienced in life, his conclusion to a certain topic doesn’t come up with much logic. Though he is the only child till the birth of Sonny, but due to a very coddling behavior by his mother throughout this period of his father being in the war, it became obvious to him that he is â€Å"the boss around†. When his (Larry’s fathers) back was tuned, mother let me get a chair and rummage through his treasures. She didn’t seem to think so highly of them as he did† (O'Connor) Events of his mothers lack or carelessness made him come up with the idea that may be his father wasn’t that important. Never knowing the role of his father and living with such little knowledge he keeps guttering around in his own flow. Again, his priority was considered the most as there was no one else with his mother.He hadn’t any siblings and was poised with a thought of being unable to afford a new person in the house. His very sense of freedom made his day and the time passed by along with his mother. Ever since Larry’s father arrives home after the war, he feels this very lack of superiority that he lived with. He was being less noticed and was stopped from coming up with his childish acts. All of a sudden he starts getting annoyed off the thoughts of being ignored by his mother as his mother had to spend more time with his father.He had to compromise on his own share of his mother’s reaction and her response wasn’t quite what he expected. In a very small time the changes in return of things he did earlier, was growing unbearable for him. His grab on his freedom collapses as his very little intelligence couldn’t do much good to him. He tries doing things that started to be an ignorant part of his parents. He started expecting from things that was barely a part of his daily life, now even a cup of tea would matter to him. He starts feeling he is cared less in the house.His father on the other hand was quiet calm responding to the situation, realizing that Larry is just a small child. He carried on being the quiet guy up to sometime but sooner ahead he was obvious to have lost a grasp on it. â€Å"I see he’s better fed then taught,† (O'Connor) Stated his father concentrating on larrys reaction to things. Sooner as Sonny arrives in the scene, the tables turn as Larry concentrates on his mother and accepts the fact of his father, but doesn’t easily seem to buy the fact of Sonny consuming most of his mother’s attention then.Throughout the whole time, his acts seemed childish because there was someone older who was compared more mature. Talking big word s are easy but Larry is still a child who was cared for but not in all ways. Larry had his mother to stay busy with before but as she grew busier with his father’s presence later on, he starts thinking of what he should do to prevent his father from taking his time. He came across jealousy and his expectations kept on crawling, making him emotional and irrational at times.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Explore Shakespeare’s presentation of love in “As You Like It” Essay

Love has always been a foremost feature of the plays written by William Shakespeare and â€Å"As You Like It† is no exception with love regularly being represented throughout the play in a variety of ways. Just like in Shakespeares other works â€Å"As You Like It† is also broken down in to a main plot, which is then accompanied by smaller sub-plots that are scattered thorughout the play. Shakerspeare along with the play â€Å"As You Like It† skillfully uses these plots well to demonstrate various types of love. One variety of love that Shakespeare anylyses deeply is that of courtly love, whose ideas featured heavily around the fact that love brings suffering and agony to the lover and the theory that the male lover is controlled by his mistress to whom he must adhere to. Courtly Love had become a popular subject to write about during Shakespeare’s Elizabethan period and was also strongly evident in english literature for centuries previously. The concept of pastoral romance is also expressed in â€Å"As You Like It† , in which characters in rural countryside areas appear to act freely and joyfully , and this causes relationships to revel successfully and contently. In other words Pastoral romance seems to betray the countryside in stories as some sort of catalyst speeding up the progress and success of overall relationships. On the other hand life in the court seems to lack this optimism and instead living in developed areas (towns, villages, cities etc) seems to damage love between characters due to the stress and demand of court life. This type of romance is also strongly associated with disguise and the thought of characters falling in love with the opposite sex even when in disguise. The love in Shakespeare’s plays was recognised by the public of the Elizabethan period who had a good understanding about how genuine and pure love was between characters along with a good perception of the characters personalities (such as social status) just through the language they spoke during the play. The relationships in â€Å"As You Like It† are tested in one way or another, as most have to overcome obstacles and problems in order to succeed The particular relationships we see in the play symbolize and highlight the variant types of love that William Shakespeare wishes to explore. For example the familial love between the brothers of Orlando and Oliver, Duke Frederick and Duke Senior are emphasized due to the fact that both relationships are struggling and are under much tension when in normal circumstances you would presume this type of Familial relationship to prosper solidily, but alternatively have crumbled consistently. The relationship amid Orlando and his eldest borther, Oliver has reached an even more dire state, due to the recent event of their father Sir Rowland de Boys tragically dying for reasons unknown to us. Since this death of Sir Rowland de Boys Oliver and Orlando have been at conflict over the acts of Oliver who is restricting Orlando from receiving a gentleman’s education even though their father had wished him to have one. Both characters deal with this issue by becoming heated and ill-tempered towards each other. This is shown in Act 1 Scene 1 where Oliver says: â€Å"Wilt thou lay hands on me, villain?† Oliver and Orlando’s relationship changes significantly during the course of the play and it is seen that the countryside and its links to pastoral romance are responsible for the reformation of their relationship. This is true because the turning point of their complex relationship takes place in the countryside to where Orlando’s act of decency, (when he saves Oliver’s life from a viscous Lioness) provokes Oliver to want to become a more amiable person. Also the romantic relationships of the brothers between Rosalind and Celia respectfully seems to show that the concept of pastoral romance is functioning between them and therefore causing them to be more loving people. Understandably this friendly environment causes their own familial relationship to blossom. This transformation in their relationship is represented well when Oliver is delivering Orlando’s bloody handkerchief to Ganymede in Act 4 Scene 2. In this scene he confesses about his shameful past by saying: â€Å"‘Twas I, but ’tis not I. I do not shame To tell you what I was, since my conversion So sweetly tastes, being the thing I am.† This indicates that he is aware that he was in the wrong before, but now values and loves his younger brother, even more so that he obeyed Orlando’s order to deliver his handkerchief. Another familial relationship present in the play is that of Duke Senior and his younger brother Duke Frederick. This particular relationship is struggling due to the fact that Duke Senior has been exiled from the court by his usurping brother Duke Frederick. This unjustified act by Duke Frederick has left the two distant and bitter towards each other. This is shown in Act 2 Scene 3 when Duke Frederick is in the process of exiling Rosalind, the daughter of the banished Duke Senior. Duke Frederick’s tells Rosalind the reason for her being exiled is because: â€Å"Thou art thy father’s daughter. There’s enough.† This shows that there is obviously some hatred between the two brothers, especially on Duke Frederick’s part. Duke Senior and Duke Frederick react to this conflict in contrasting ways. Duke Senior seems to make the most out of the situation he has found himself in to positive effect. He does this to an extent that he’s actually enjoying life away from the court. On the other hand Duke Frederick deals with their dispute by becoming heated and showing irrational behavior (This is shown when out of blue he aggressively orders Rosalind to leave the court and even goes as far as saying he will kill her if she was not to obey) in play. The hatred of Duke Frederick towards Duke Senior is incredibly similar to that of Oliver towards to Orlando, in that there seems to be no obvious reason for why they should detest their brothers so much. But just like Oliver and Orlando, Duke Frederick and Duke Senior’s relationships turns around positively in the latter stages of the play. This turn of events is due to the remarkable change of mind from Duke Frederick who persuaded by an old religious man on the outskirts of the forest to not invade the Forest of Ardenne decides to conclude his search for his brother. Instead, as we’re told by Jacques de Boys in Act 5 Scene 4 that he: â€Å"After some question with him, was converted Both from his enterprise and from the world, His crown bequeathing to his banished brother, And all their lands restored to them again That were with him exiled† This act of love shown by Duke Frederick towards Duke Senior and his company could also be due to the powers the countryside possesses through pastoral romance. This could be explained by the way that Duke Frederick has a dramatic change of heart when entering the forest and he also wants to be â€Å"freed† from court life by deciding to join a monastery. A prominent relationship on display in â€Å"As You Like† is between the inseparable cousins that are Rosalind and Celia. This relationship is under strain mainly just because of the complications surrounding their father’s relationship. They have been brought in to the thick of their father’s own personal conflict due to Duke Frederick’s antics, referring to him wanting to exile Rosalind and consequently separate Rosalind and Celia. Rosalind and Celia respond to the antics of their fathers positively, by promising to each other that they’ll stand by each other religiously through the hard times that are facing them, causing them both to flee from the court together. This united type behavior form the cousins shows the audience that this love is extremely solid and their love for each other is cannot be doubted. This is shown when Celia responds to her fathers actions by saying to Rosalind in Act 1 Scene 3: â€Å"Prithee, be cheerful. Know’st thou not the duke Hath banished me, his daughter?† Furthermore Rosalind and Celia decide to overcome their complications by fleeing to the Forest of Ardenne to find refuge. This seems to work dividends, as when they are in the forest the pair seems more relaxed and joyful than they were when they were generating tentative feelings back at the court. This is shown through the way they act more freely and seem more comfortable expressing their views on topics than they were in the court. They also becoming more suspect to falling in love, and this shows in the way they fall in love with Orlando and Oliver. All this makes one presume that pastoral romance is in progress with this pair. A different type of alliance is show using Adam the servant and Orlando in the play â€Å"As You Like It†. Between these two characters is dutiful love shown from both sides. The obstacle that this exact relationships faces is down to the misbehavior shown from Orlando’s brother Oliver, who Adam says is plotting to kill Orlando. The pair then address this situation in the same way as Celia and Rosalind did, by escaping in to the forest. This is where Adam’s dutiful love is evident when he swears allegiance to Orlando in Act 2 Scene 3 by saying: â€Å"Here is the gold. All this I give you. Let me be your servant.† Theses words are very strong, as Adam shows he will give Orlando everything he has even his fortunes just so that Orlando is able to be content and safe. Further on in the play Orlando also shows loyalty pointing to Adam. This dutiful love is expressed in the way Orlando carries Adam in to shelter and vows to find his poorly servant food; he even makes a fool of himself in front of Duke Senior and his Lords purely in attempting to find his loyal servant some much-needed food. This dutiful love shown on Orlando’s part can be seen in the way he tells Adam in Act 2 Scene 6: â€Å"Come, I will bear thee to some shelter, and thou shalt not die for lack of a dinner if there live anything in this desert† Once again you can say that the concept of pastoral romance has left this pair living happily ever after as it looks to have solved all their problems, which they have now left at the court. A different relationship represented in â€Å"As You Like It† is that of Silvius and Phoebe. In this relationship the love is not shared from Phoebe in contrast to Silvius who seems to be suffering much grief and pain due to his immense and obsessive love for Phoebe. Both characters face their dispute concerning their conflicting views by becoming frustrated, Silvius because he cannot obtain Phoebe’s love and Phoebe because of Silvius constant pleas for her to welcome his fondness for her. The evidence to show that Phoebe does not show the same affection for Silvius can be seen when she comments on how much she’d rather not be in a romantic relationship with Silvius in Act 3 Scene 5 by saying to Celia (dressed as Ganymede): â€Å"Sweet youth, I pray you chide a year together. I had rather hear you chide than this man woo.† This idea that Silvius is suffering thanks to the elements of love is very similar to the objectives of courtly love. Obviously this situation proves problematic for it to be possible for Silvius’s and Pheobe’s relationship to advance, but a few twists occurring at the end of the play enable this couple to surprisingly tie the knot. The events which engineer Silvius and Phoebe to come together can be argued to be thanks to the pastoral romance theme, which is seen on a frequent basis in this play. This is true as pastoral romance is well known for its characters in disguise and it’s the disguise of Rosalind (Ganymede) that actually plays the vital role in bringing Silvius and Phoebe together. Thanks to Rosalind’s slyness Silvius finally is able to be with Phoebe and it seems that she shows some genuine affection towards Silvius. This is noticeable when she says in Act 5 Scene 4 to Silvius: â€Å"I will not eat my word. Now thou art mine, Thy faith my fancy to thee doth combine.† A relationship that does not develop until the tail end of the play â€Å"As You Like It† is between that of Oliver and Celia. Celia who is dressed up as Aliena looks to fall in love with Oliver at first sight and these provides an ironic end for the character Celia in the play. This is an accurate observation, because during the play Celia is seen teasing her dear friend Rosalind about the hastiness about her love for Orlando. This is another classic example of how pastoral romance is a striking feature of the play, because even though Celia has been ridiculing Rosalind love for Orlando it seems that even she is eventually bewitched by the powers of the countryside air and decides to marry a man whom she has just met. A unique relationship in the play is that of Pheobe and Ganymede. This is correct, as Phoebe is falling for Rosalind in disguise, without being informed. The relationship between these two characters is a clear example of the courtly love evident in â€Å"As You Like It†, because of the agony and frustration, which Pheobe endures due to her love Ganymede. Ganymede reacts to Phoebe;s attempts to win her heart by saying in Act 3 Scene 5: â€Å"I pray you, do not fall in love with me, For I am falser than vows made in wine.† This dismissal of Phoebe’s love on Ganymede’s part shows that Ganymede has no interest in Phoebe at all, but despite this in true courtly love fashion Phoebe’s decides to persist with her quest to win Ganymede’s heart. In the end their relationship disintergrates when Phoebe says in Act 5 Scene 4: â€Å"If sight and shape be true, Why then, my love adieu.† The most influential relationship in the whole of the play is beyond doubt that of between Rosalind and Orlando. This is true, as this relationship seems to dictate the course of the storyline. This relationship falls down heavily in to the elements of stereotypical pastoral romantic stories. This is correct, as Orlando seems to endure a lot of agony and pain over the course of the play†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..I will finish this later In conclusion I believe Shakespeare has shown us that men actually behave in the same way as women when in love. The evidence ot prove this is the behaviour of most characters in the play. Most of these characters endure large amounts of suffering

Identify and evaluate three credible sources of information on that Essay

Identify and evaluate three credible sources of information on that topic - Essay Example The credibility of these studies is based on the following facts: all three studies are peer reviewed studies, being published in academic journals. This means that these studies have been thoroughly examined as of the accuracy and the quality of the information provided. These studies have been chosen using certain criteria: a) they are published in academic journals, being part of academic literature, b) they are recent; two of them were published in 2012 and one of them was published in 2009; c) they refer to different aspects of the subject involved, i.e. of mass media, so that the particular subject is explored as effectively as possible. Academic and professional research must use credible sources since they need to lead to the development of accurate assumptions in regard to the issues under examination. Online library offers a critical advantage, compared to the search engines, in regard to academic and professional research: studies available through the online library have been already checked as of their credibility; in this way, valuable time can be saved in checking the credibility of resources required for developing an academic research project. Moreover, online library offers the option to set exact criteria in regard to the material required. In search engines such features are not available while if existed cannot perform effectively. Hongcharu, B. & Eiamkanchanalai, S. (2009). A Comparative Study Of Traditional Mass Media, The Internet And Mobile Phones For Integrated Marketing Communications. Journal of Business & Economics Research, 7(12), 31-40. Soomro, Y., Hameed, I., Butt, A. & Shakoor, R. (2012) Significance of Internet Marketing in Promoting Consumer Goods in Subcontinent. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(13),

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Write a review of Manchester Crime Reduction Strategy 20082011, making Literature

Write a of Manchester Crime Reduction Strategy 20082011, making use of the concepts of community, evidence and policy discussed in Book 3 - Literature review Example For instance, for crime and disorder, the strategy supports a number of other partnerships that aim to drive improvements in employment, health, transport, the environment and outcomes for young people. The main significant strategy aims to have a city of successful neighborhoods and for people feel secure and enjoy their living. Young people should be in a position to make real choices about their future. To accomplish this, children must stay safe and be protected from crime. Therefore there’s need to provide young people with opportunities and activities that can both raise their aspirations and divert them away from the risk of committing crime. Reducing crime is an essential part in regenerating the city and improving our transport system, that is, reducing crime is a key feature of all our strategic objectives to improve the overall quality of life of the residents. From 2005 to 2008, a target was set by the Manchester Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy to reduce the overall level of crime as measured by the British Crime Survey. This was measured against ten key crime types that included burglary, robbery, vehicle crime and violent crime. The strategy has been successful in tackling antisocial behavior. Better interventions with families have seen the number of young people who comply with their Antisocial Behavior Order (ASBO) increase. An essential result relates to a reprimand, final warning, or a court disposal. Also, drug users seeking for treatment services in the city continue to increase and the average waiting time for access to treatment continues to reduce. The Government and Manchester have designed a new strategy, the Local Area Agreement to accomplish the wider aims and objectives and to give local agencies more ease in setting the main concern. This agreement has goals against each of the precedence areas that are exclusive to Manchester. This local emphasis will enable us to prioritize what is

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Low-Carbohydrate Diets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Low-Carbohydrate Diets - Essay Example o consult a doctor first before considering a low-carb diet because, although there are testimonials of being effective in weight loss, as reported, low carb diets posed negative side effects such as ketosis, a metabolic disorder that may cause the body to higher secretion of sodium and water loss due to increase level of ketones caused by deficiency of carbohydrate in the body. At this stage, a dieter may feel sluggish and tired and may experience low levels of energy, due to deficient level of carbohydrate, since carbohydrate is the major source of energy in the human body (paras.4,5). Furthermore, with low-level of carbohydrate in human body, protein will be burned to produce energy as a replacement for the function of carbohydrates. That’s why some low-carb diets menu include high-protein diets. Yet, the main function of protein in human body is for growth and repair, such as making new cells and repairing damaged cells. So, burning protein for energy source will set aside the other function of protein in human body, therefore losing its main function. An article in the internet source reminds us that using carbohydrate to provide energy for the body allows protein to be saved for its main function. It asserted that the protein sparing effect of carbohydrates â€Å"conserves protein for muscle tissues† (DeVault, 2011). If the protein will perform the supposedly function of carbohydrate of supplying energy to the body, it seems that high-protein diet as supplement for low-carb diet is suitable. . But that is not sensible because according to some research, abundance of protein in human body system may lead to several health problems such as heart disease and cancer. So, excess proteins must undergo deamination, primarily by the liver, a body process that will removed amino groups form the excess proteins and converting it into usable resources such as hydrogen and carbon. This process may tend to occur during physical bodily exercise (Sumayao, 2011,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Article review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

Article review - Essay Example Despite the fact, that some movies have used the popular genre of the popular culture they did not sell very much. The novel Red Storm Rising and other works of Tom Clancy have sold greatly. Clancy’s novel is the context of thriller style. They have historical lessons and use images and symbols to represent the idea behind the novel. The genre thriller that Clancy used has flourished over time and have best explained the crisis of the civilization during that century. The foundation for modern thriller was laid down by Joseph Conrad, John Bunchan and Eskrine Childers. Walter (4) examines the work of the three writers and places them as those of modern thriller. Authors like Eric Ambler rose up and started writing real literature instead of the mere spy tales. They involved moral characteristic in their tales and they used the heroic formula to develop the theme in their story. The Americans had become fond of the British tales, but when writers like Mickey Spillane did a book in American style it sold much. The United State became become domestic communism, and they read more of these books. Walter present works of the writer and movies that have sold due to their thriller genre. The Red Storm Rising is one of those books that see the writer winning the award and selling a number of volumes. Walter says that the thriller style of doing movies and writing stories has seen many books sell even in America. Walter presents quite a number of works that have been done. He presents Reagan the administrator is represented in Clacy’s text like a cult of national security. Walter analyzes the book Red Storm Arising. The use of popular character Clancy novel makes them sell. Reagan popularity makes Clancy novel sell. Clancy uses immensely powerful themes that involve the Americans culture. This success is seen by the popularity that they have. We are able to admire Clancy heroes and these keeps us to want to read more

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Discussion Board Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion Board - Research Paper Example Southwest Airlines is one such organization that has focused on the Low Cost Producer Strategy (bags fly free!) in order to compete in the market. Southwest Airlines offers lower cost services to customers and is a low-cost-carrier. Southwest has almost never served a meal to passengers onboard and has cut on many of the other services that most airlines provide. Since the economic turmoil, as airlines started firing employees, Southwest Airlines fired none and rather cut on the salaries of its employees. This increased the employee loyalty towards the company and strengthened the customer base. This flexible nature has enabled Southwest Airlines to purchase the highest number of 737-700s (Bundgaard, Bejjani & Helmer, 2006) The use of information technology has never the less created the risks of security breaches. Online reservation requires passengers to provide credit/debit card details, that customer are hesitant to provide. However, Southwest has made sure that no fraud ever occurs and all reservations are secured. Apple Inc., a renowned American organization specializing in computers, believes in innovation and thus makes use of Differentiation Strategy as its competitive strategy. Apple has pioneered several inventions and come up with PDA’s, iMac, iBook, iTunes, iPod, iPad etc. taking the market by storm. Apple has continued to provide customers innovation when it comes to gadgets and has created some of the finest electronic products. The differentiation strategy creates monopoly and reduces the chances of substitutes taking over. Apple Inc. has hired this policy and thus is able to pass on the costs to customers, without losing customer loyalty. This strategy is viable since Apple has rare competitors who cannot replicate Apple’s market strategy and exploit their sales. Despite strict regulations, Apple has come under numerous security breaches where its data was hacked and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Management of Global Trade Distribution Assignment

The Management of Global Trade Distribution - Assignment Example DHL has a considerable market share of around 40% of the Asian market (The Economist, 2012). FedEx accounts for the market share of around of 49%Â  in USA as compared to around 50% by the competitor UPS. FedEx has developed the fleet and service base that has built a strong reputation of the company. For example, GPS tracking, Online Solution (FedEx, 2012a), SenseAware (Business Wire, 2014) are some of the leading services from FedEx. The industry in which FedEx operates is highly competitive and it has low switching cost for buyers and suppliers. Also, the industry is affected by high oil prices. FedEx, with its service to the global market, has focused on building competitive edge with technological innovation and is ranked at the 91st position on the Forbes Most Valuable brands (Forbes, 2013). Competitive information technology orientation has taken the place of absolute advantage for FedEx. Change in the global trade agreements and patterns have a direct impact on the FedEx. FedEx supports FTA for the removal of barriers from Panama, Columbia, and South Korea. Furthermore, FedEx has capitalised the growth in global demand for the Korean products where Korea in all has generated $3.8 billion in the year 2011 (FedEx, 2012b). FedEx has planned to establish logistic hub in Pudong considering the global trade patterns between China to Europe where Shanghai Pudong International Airport is to take the position of hub (FedEx, 2012b). Hence, FedEx is keenly developing the comparative advantage from the changing global trade patterns. Furthermore, the company is also directly impacted by the varying regulations from country to country. For example, FedEx launched SenseAware in different market upon receiving security clearance from the respective countries’ and related organisations (Leung, 2011). Most recently it has expanded to 14 European countries and Canada. Such str ong connectivity with the movement of sensitive products has developed

Friday, August 23, 2019

Landing on the moon Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Landing on the moon - Research Paper Example The attempt to reach the moon dates back to the mid-20th century. On 13th of September 1959, the Soviet Union made the first object that landed on the surface of the moon. Luna 2 was the name of the spacecraft and was sent without a human accompaniment because of the potential risk that was involved. Despite being the first spacecraft to reach the moon, it was the second to be launched in the direction of the moon after the unsuccessful Luna 1. Through Luna 2’s movement to the moon, various discoveries were made about the moon. It was established that there was no significant magnetic field on the surface of the moon. In addition, there was never found any evidence of the presence of radiation belts in the moon (NASA 1). The United States also made an effort to have a spacecraft to the moon. This led to the landing of Ranger 4 to the moon in 1962 opening up more opportunities for the expansion of the aviation industry. The reaching of man to the moon was another milestone in the exploration of the moon. On July 20th, 1969 Apollo 11, a spacecraft owned by the United States landed on the surface of the moon with its astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin. This was the first manned spacecraft in the history of moon landings (NASA 1). However, afterwards, there have been other manned as well as unmanned spacecraft that have found their way into the surface of the moon. Between the first manned landings in 1969 to 1972, up to twelve astronauts reached the surface of the moon. Landing to the moon is not a simple affair; it is characterized by a sophisticated technology. A rocket is the equipment that was developed to break the gravity of the earth hence getting to the surface of the moon where there is no gravity. A rocket is propelled to the space where it continues to increase in speed even in vacuum. This

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Covey Principles Essay Example for Free

Covey Principles Essay In a society where everything is quick-fix and modeled after the fast food restaurant it is no surprise that corporate America faces the current dilemma of failing management and disinformation. Covey reminds us we must be willing to get personally involved with our job, life, family, and so on. This essay will discuss four principles needed not only in business but everyday life as well; Security, Guidance, Wisdom, and Power. Security does not mean what it used to twenty years ago. In times past, a hand shake could seal a business deal. Now, there are multiple copies of signed pages holding each party to their word. Also, a man was as good as his word in years gone by. Today it is more difficult to establish some level of trust enough to do business on a long term basis. Identity and personal integrity are just a couple of the issues that have to be proven to potential business partners. Identity plays such an important role in every day life that if we are not yet established as a person who knows themselves others will take notice. Not only is it difficult to perform in the business world, but the lack of this character trait can significantly hurt any personal relationship we hope to gain. There are various degrees of security which are, for the most part, dictated to us by the circumstance in life. However, being human, we have the ability to control how our integrity is substantiated. If we are careful when approaching this aspect of our daily lives we will soon be known as a person others can trust. This is security. Not just security for business prospects, but in the day to day grind of every-man-for-himself it will be the defining factor of all of our relationships. We can gain a great deal of insight on life if we develop a secure lifestyle. This mode of living guides us to the next principle of the four I mentioned above. The direction we receive in life is also a choice we make and comes from all the different forms of information that we allow to infiltrate our minds. It is inevitably this that shapes who we become. Covey recognizes this and offers a lot of practical insights for those who are brave enough to live life to its fullest. A person can live either on the low, middle, or the high end of this continuum. The low ultimately causes an individual to focus on themselves and what’s in it for them. Self-centered people are an example of this end of the continuum. Those focusing on traditions or human institutions are the result of the middle continuum. Then there are people who are inspired and inspire others to reach their potential in life. We choose the type of guidance we follow. Some may think that circumstance dictates their guidance, but it is impossible for anyone to be on a certain level of the continuum without consciously choosing to do so. We may not want to accept that as a truth, but the proof is easily seen by the manner of our lives. People who try to control the information shaping their lives are the people Covey calls wise. To have balance in life is to be able to see things as they really are and not to allow the facade of humanistic attitudes to dictate our life responses. Everything from inaccurate life maps to fuzzy principles will make fools of us all, and will be the source of all our frustrations. Judgment and comprehension can add a level of success in life that is measured not by income alone, but also by friends and family relationships. Things that might bring temporary pleasure are fleeting and the wise seek pleasure that is true joy. Joy gives an ability to adjust to life and recognize any power that we might possess. Power is only a good thing if coupled with wisdom and can be described as the authority with which we act. The best way to see if the power you exercise is truly helpful is to hear others’ opinions of you. While it is not recommended that you live your life or change any aspect of it by the things you hear, it can bring satisfaction or warning if rightly interpreted. People with power are demonstrative, yet not in an offensive manner. The true character of man is best told when he is alone. This is where the true power an individual possesses is recognized. These four principles; security, guidance, wisdom, and power, have given many people a large number of satisfying days at work and at home. I like to think they have influenced my life to enable me to make logical, sensible and wise choices knowing that these choices will determine my lot in life. At this venture of my life, though, it is wisdom that dictates where I go intellectually and helps me choose those things that are wholesome and right for me. Even with all the mistakes I make in life, wisdom continues to grow in me and helps guide future actions. References Covey, Stephen R. (October 1, 1992). Principle Centered Leadership. 1st edition. New York, NY: Fireside, imprint of Simon Schuster.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Dance essay Essay Example for Free

Dance essay Essay Dance is a well admired art form and sport that is performed by many groups, cultures, and religions all around the world. There are many different types of dance that are available for people that have a great amount of energy, dedication and motivation. Dancers must be exceedingly athletic, have the stamina to practice for hours, and be able train and preform in very competitive environments, just like many well-known sports. Plenty of people believe that dance is just a form of art and is not a sport, they are wrong, dance is both an art and a sport. All athletes must be in best physical shape to succeed in their own sport. Dancers not only need muscle strength and physical endurance, like most sports, they also need flexibility, coordination, agility, and balance. Dancers also need mental endurance. They need to stay calm under pressure, keep focus, rebound quickly if they make mistakes, and most importantly need they have to make everything look beautiful and effortless, even if they are in pain. Athletes must prepare for each and every event they participate in. Dancers must face incredibly long hours of conditioning, rehearsals, and never-ending repetition of movements and steps to get ready for a performance. Many people cannot handle the amount of work that goes into any single movement a dancer must perform. In football, if a player not playing the right position that they were assigned, it can affect the team’s overall performance, just like in dance. Dancers have to focus on their position of their feet, arms, what moves to do and also where they are supposed to be, and if any are off it is very noticeable and can mess up the whole routine. Dance, just like any other sport, is competitive and the goal is to win and preform the best they can. Also, dancers can get injured if they move in a wrong way. There are dozens of injuries that can happen in football while there are just as many in dance. For example, dancers have the potential to fracture a bone in their foot by not landing a jump properly or could paralyze themselves if they fall when they are on pointe shoes. As you can see, there are many reasons why dance is a sport, as well as it is an art. The definition of a sport is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. Dancers train for hours, they compete against people to win and it takes lots of blood, sweat, and tears. So for the people who don’t think dance is a sport, they are incorrect.

The Effect Of Dividend Policy Finance Essay

The Effect Of Dividend Policy Finance Essay The issue of how much a company should pay its stockholders as dividend is been of concern to managers. The optimal dividend policy of a firm depends on investors desire for capital gains as opposed to income, willingness to forgo dividends for future returns, and perception of risk associated with postponement of returns. Management is often in a dilemma; whether to pay dividends or to retain them for future investments with implications on share value. The study sought to determine the effects of dividend policy on the market share value in the banking industry in Kenya, using National Bank Kenya (NBK) as case for the study. The study applied an explanatory research design covering a proportionate sample of 100 shareholders drawn from a target population of 47,000 shareholders of National Bank of Kenya. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze data. The hypotheses were tested by use of Pearsons Moment Corr elation. With a response rate of 68%, the study established that NBK had a dividend policy as confirmed by 91% of the respondents. The study established a strong and positive correlation (0.850) between dividend payout and market share value, with a P-value of 0.000. There was a positive correlation (0.299) between dividend growth rate and market value of shares with a p-value is 0.013; hence establishing a significant relationship between variables. There was a positive correlation (0.502) between regularity of dividend declaration and market share value with a P-value was 0.000. Dividend policy had a significant effect on the market share value. The study recommends that management in banks and specifically National Bank Kenya must adjust the dividend policy in tandem with interests and requirements of shareholders to improve the market share value. Key Terms: Dividend policy, dividend payout, dividend declaration, share value Background to the Study Dividend policy has been a puzzle in corporate finance for several decades. Among numerous research subjects about dividend policy, the most popular one is the relationship between the dividend level and the share price of a firm. According to the dividend discount model (Gordon, 1959); it is feasible to derive that dividend payment augmentation should be accompanied by the value increase in a firm. Miller and Modigliani (1961) however, point out that the value of a firm is not influenced by current and future dividend decisions, which is well recognized as the dividend irrelevance theory. According to Kapoor (2009) dividend policy connotes to the payout policy, which managers pursue in deciding the size and pattern of cash distribution to shareholders over time. Therefore, managements primary goal is shareholders wealth maximization, which translates into maximizing the value of the company as measured by the price of its common stock. This goal can be achieved by giving the shareholders a fair payment on their investments. Gordon (1963) found that dividend policy of the company did affect the market prices of its shares. Share value is represented by the market price of the companys common stock, which, in turn, is the function of the companys investment, financing and dividend decisions. Dividend decisions are recognized as centrally important because of increasingly significant role of the finances in the firms overall growth strategy. Bishop et al., (2000) contends that managers must not only consider the question of how much of the companys earnings are needed for investment, but also take into consideration the possible effect of their decisions on share prices. According to Kapoor (2009), share prices of a firm tend to be reduced whenever there is a reduction in dividend payments. An announcement of dividend increase generates abnormal positive security returns and an announcement of dividend decrease generates abnormal negative security returns. A drop in share prices occurs because dividends have a signaling effect. The Research Problem Dividend policy is an integral part of financial management decision of a firm. There is adequate empirical evidence pointing to a strong relationship between dividend policy and stock market prices. However, managers are in a dilemma as to whether to pay large, small or zero percentage of their earnings as dividends or to retain them for future investments. This situation is occasioned by the different shareholder interests which management has to satisfy. For instance, some shareholders prefer to be paid dividends every year for investing in other profitable businesses while other shareholders would like to invest in the future and thus, prefer that the dividends be retained by the company for re-investment. However, most investors prefer companies with high pay outs because they are less risky than potential future capital gains. Since the bank management is dealing with competing interests of various shareholders, the kind of dividend policy they adopt may have either positive or negative effects on the share prices of the company. According to Miller and Modigliani (1961), the effect of a firms dividend policy on the current price of its shares is a matter of considerable importance, not only to management who must set the policy, but also to investors planning portfolios and to economists seeking to understand and appraise the functioning of the capital market. It is this basis that the study sought to establish the effects of dividend policy on market share value in the banking industry in Kenya, using National Bank of Kenya as a case for the study. Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study the study was to determine the effects of dividend policy on the market share value in the banking industry in Kenya, using case study of National Bank of Kenya. The constructs of dividend policy that were correlated with market share value were dividend growth rate, dividend payout, and regularity of dividend declaration. Research Methodology The study adopted an explanatory research design. The design allowed description of the variable characteristics and systematic explanation of the relationships amongst them as supported by Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) and Kothari (2004). The study covered a sample of 100 respondents from a population of 47,000 general public shareholders. The sample was selected through proportionate stratified sampling method; where the population was divided into five strata; shareholders with 1 to 100,000 shares, shareholders with shares between 100,001 and 200,000 shares, shareholders with 20001 to 30000 shares, shareholders with 300,001 to 400,000 shares and shareholders with over 400,000 shares. A structured, self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. Descriptive statistics including frequencies, percentages and mean were used to describe variable characteristics while inferential statistics (correlation and regression) were used to determine and explain varia ble relationships. The research hypotheses were tested using Pearsons Moment Correlation was used to test the research hypotheses. The study also tested the working of the postulated model using ANOVA while regression analysis was applied to test the test model in explaining the variable relationships. Results and Analysis The study achieved a response rate of 68%. Among the respondents, 32% were female while 68% were male; implying that majority of the National Bank of Kenya (NBK) shareholders is male. Dividend Policy The respondents were given a set of statements regarding NBKs dividend policy and asked to indicate extent to which they agreed with each one of them. According to the results (Table 1), 91% of the respondents were aware that National Bank of Kenya had a dividend policy. However, 59% indicated that the Dividend Policy was not well communicated to and understood by the shareholders. Table 1: Status of Dividend Policy Statement/ item Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Mean Frq % Frq % Frq % Frq % National Bank of Kenya has a Dividend Policy 5 7.4 1 1.5 29 42.6 33 48.5 3.32 NBK dividends policy is well understood by its shareholders 19 27.9 21 30.9 14 20.6 14 20.6 2.34 Dividend policy has been and continues to be important factor driving NBK share value 1 1.5 12 17.6 19 27.9 36 52.9 3.32 Formal dividend policy gives shareholders the assurance of predictable dividend payments 0 0 22 32.4 32 47.1 14 20.6 2.88 The study revealed that the dividend policy has been and continues to be an important factor driving NBK share value as supported by 80% of the respondents. Respondents were of the view that a formal dividend policy gives shareholders the assurance of predictable dividend payments (68%). The importance of the dividend policy to shareholders was clearly underscored as demonstrated by above average mean scores on all the constructs on which it was measured except the understanding of the policy by shareholders. Dividend Payments on Share Value Objective one sought to assess the effects of dividend payout on the market share value of National Bank of Kenya. An assessment of the effects of dividend payments on share value involved a set of statement which the respondents were required to indicate the extent to which they agreed with them. As shown in Table 2, 90% of the respondents pointed out that they considered payment of dividends a major element in the value of shares, meaning that an increase in a dividend payout causes an increase in share price as supported by 88% of the respondents. However, 79% felt that dividend payment did not remove excess cash flows that could be invested in unprofitable projects. Majority of the respondents (98%) strongly submitted that dividend paying firms are more closely scrutinized by financial analysts to assess managements role in building share value. Further they felt that dividend payments should satisfy shareholders dividend preference rather than depend on the firms investing or financing decisions. The study also revealed that dividend payments are better signals of confidential information than other media forms (98%); thus raising share value. The respondents were also of the view that payment of dividends is a demonstration that that the firm is strong enough and can pass up profitable investments (98%). Moreover, most of the respondents (78%) agreed that they valued their shares at NBK because of the regular dividend payments they received. Out of eight items used to measure the effect of dividend payment on share value, five of them received above average mean scores ranging between 2.97 to 3.76; a demonstration that that indeed dividend pay ment is a major determinant of share value. Table 2: Effects of Dividend Payments on Market Share Value Statement/ item Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Mean Fre % Fre % Fre % Fre % I consider payment of dividends a major element in the value of shares I hold at National Bank of Kenya 2 2.9 5 7.4 29 42.6 32 47.1 3.34 An increase in a dividend payout causes an increase in share price 0 0 8 11.8 28 41.2 32 47.1 2.18 Dividend payment removes excess cash flows that could be invested in unprofitable projects 0 0 54 79.4 14 20.6 0 0 2.21 Dividend paying firms are more closely scrutinized by financial analysts to assess managements role in building share value 0 0 1 1.5 41 60.3 26 38.2 2.97 Dividend payments should satisfy shareholders dividend preference rather than depend on the firms investing or financing decisions 0 0 1 1.5 41 60.3 26 38.2 3.37 Dividend payments are better signals of confidential information than other media forms; thus raising share value 0 0 1 1.5 14 20.6 53 77.9 3.76 In my view, payment of dividends is a demonstration that that the firm is strong enough and can pass up profitable investments. 0 0 1 1.5 14 20.6 53 77.9 3.76 I value my shares at NBK because of the regular dividend payments I receive. 5 7.4 10 14.7 20 29.4 33 48.5 2.21 The study tested a hypothesis which stated that Dividend payout does not significantly affect the market value of National Bank of Kenya shares. The hypothesis was tested using Pearsons Moment Correlation Coefficient. The test was conducted to establish the relationship between dividend payout and market value of shares. The study (Table 3) revealed a positive correlation (0.850) between dividend payout and market value of NBK shares with a P-value of 0.000, less than the alpha of 0.01; hence establishing a strong and significant relationship between variables. Table 3: Correlation Analysis on Dividend Payout and Market Share Value Dividend payout Market value of NBK shares Dividend pay out Pearson Correlation 1 0.850(**) Sig. (2-tailed) . .000 N 68 68 Market value of NBK shares Pearson Correlation 0.850(**) 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 . N 68 68 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Dividend Growth Rate and Share Value Objective two sought to determine the effects of dividend growth rate on market value of National Bank of Kenya shares. This was a measured on a number of statements in which respondents were asked to indicate the extent to which they agreed with them. As shown in Table 4, all the respondents disagreed with the statement that dividend payments at National Bank of Kenya have been experiencing steady growth over the years. However, they (98%) pointed that maintenance of steady and growing dividend payments increases a firms share value. Further, 98% of the respondents were of the view that adjusting dividend payments towards a target payout ratio will increase a firms share value. The study also established that 78% of the respondents valued the shares they held with National Bank of Kenya because of steady growth in dividend payments; contradicting Levinsohn (2003) who observes that paying dividends will influence how a company finances its growth but will not have a lasting effect on its value in the marketplace. Though majority of the respondents disagreed with the contention that the dividend payments have been experiencing steady growth over the years, all the others attributes used to measure the effect of dividend growth rate on market share value all the other attributes were favourably rated with mean scores of over 3.3 out of 5; demonstrating that dividend growth is a major determinant in market share value. Table 4: Effects of Dividend Growth Rate on Market Share Value Statement/ item Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Mean Fre % Fre % Fre % Fre % NBK dividend payments have been experiencing steady growth over the years 14 20.6 54 79.4 0 0 0 0 1.79 Maintenance of steady and growing dividend payments increases a firms share value 0 0 1 1.5 14 20.6 53 77.9 3.76 Adjusting dividend payments towards a target payout ratio will increase a firms share value 0 0 1 1.5 40 58.8 27 39.7 3.38 I value the shares I hold with National Bank of Kenya because of steady growth in dividend payments 3 4.4 12 17.6 20 29.4 33 48.5 3.32 The study tested a hypothesis which stated that Dividend growth rate does not significantly affect the market value of National Bank of Kenya shares, using Pearsons Moment Correlation. As shown in Table 5, there is a positive correlation (0.299) between dividend growth rate and market value of NBK shares with a P-value of 0.013 less than the alpha of 0.05; hence establishing a high significant relationship between the study variables. This shows that dividend growth rate has a significant effect on market value of NBK shares. Table 5: Correlation Analysis on Dividend Growth Rate and Market Share Value Dividend growth rate Market value of NBK shares Dividend growth rate Pearson Correlation 1 .299(*) Sig. (2-tailed) . .013 N 68 68 Market value of NBK shares Pearson Correlation .299(*) 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .013 . N 68 68 * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). Regularity of Dividend Declaration and Market Share Value Objective three sought to establish the effects of regularity of dividend declaration on the market share value through a set of statements. According to the study findings (Table 6), 77% of the respondents considered regularity of dividend declaration as major element in the value of shares they owned whereas 88% felt that regular dividend declaration caused an increase in share price. Further, 90% of the respondents submitted that regular dividend declaring firms have more shareholders and their share value is high. Table 6: Effects of Regularity of Dividend Declaration on Market Share Value Statement/ item Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Mean Fre % Fre % Fre % Fre % I consider regularity of dividend declaration a major element in the value of shares I hold at National Bank of Kenya 1 1.5 14 20.6 29 42.6 24 35.3 3.12 Regularity of dividend declaration causes an increase in share price 2 2.9 6 8.8 28 41.2 32 47.1 3.32 Regular dividend declaring firms have more shareholders and their share value is high. 0 0 7 10.3 7 10.3 54 79.4 3.69 I value my shares at NBK because of the regular dividend payments I receive 26 38.2 28 41.2 0 0 14 20.6 2.03 The results further revealed that majority of the respondents (79%) disagreed with the contention that they valued their shares because of the regularity of dividend declaration with a mean score of 2.03 out of a maximum of 5. In general, three out of the four attributes measuring the effect of regularity of dividend payments on share value received high mean scores of over 3 out of 5; implying that regularity of dividend payments is positively related to share price. It follows thereof that when dividends are not regular, the share value drops and vice versa. The study tested a hypothesis which stated that regularity of dividend declaration does not significantly affect the market value of National Bank of Kenya shares using Pearsons Moment Correlation. As shown in Table 7, the study established a positive correlation of 0.502 with P-value of 0.000, less than the alpha of 0.01; hence demonstrating a high and significant relationship between the two variables. Therefore, regularity of dividend declaration has a significant effect on market value of shares. The results agrees with Pettit (1972) observations that announcements of dividend increases are followed by significant price increases and that announcements of dividend decreases are followed by significant price drops. Table 7: Correlation Analysis on Regularity of Dividend Declaration and Market Share Value Regularity of dividend declaration Market value of NBK shares Regularity of dividend declaration Pearson Correlation 1 0.502(**) Sig. (2-tailed) . 0.000 N 68 68 Market value of NBK shares Pearson Correlation 0.502(**) 1 Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 . N 68 68 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). When asked to rate the level of market share value (Figure 1), 3% rated the value as very low, 57% rated it low, with 36% rating the value as high and 4% as very high. This shows that majority (60%) of the shareholders considered the market value of the shares as low. Figure 1: Level of market share value Model Testing The model had hypothesized that regularity of dividend declaration, dividend growth rate and dividend payouts were responsible for variation in the market share value. To test this model multiple regression was run with market share value as the dependent variable and regularity of dividend declaration, dividend growth rate and dividend payouts as the independent variables. According to the study results in Table 8, the three independent variables account for 68% (R Square, 0.679) of the variations in market share value. Table 8: Regression Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .824(a) .679 .664 .530 Predictors: (Constant), regularity of dividend declaration, dividend growth rate and dividend payouts. The study conducted ANOVA to test determine whether the model works. As shown in Table 9, the F value was 45.110 at significance level of 0.00. Since the significance level (0.00) was far much less than the alpha level 0.05, it implies that the three independent variables (dividend payout, dividend growth rate and regularity of dividend declaration) contributed significantly to variations in the dependent variable (market share value). Table 9: ANOVA Results Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 38.060 3 12.687 45.110 .000(a) Residual 17.999 64 .281 Total 56.059 67 a. Predictors: (Constant): regularity of dividend declaration, dividend growth rate and dividend payouts; b. Dependent Variable: market value of NBK shares Regression analysis was conducted to determine the effects of dividend payout, dividend growth rate and regularity of dividend declaration on market share value. The study established that an increase in regularity of dividend payout, dividend growth rate and regularity of dividend declaration by one unit would increase market value of NBK shares by 0.615, 0.393 and 0.217 respectively. This implies that all the three independent variables significantly affect market share value, though dividend payout is more significant than the other two variables. Table 10: Regression Coefficient Model Un standardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta (Constant) .463 .239 1.939 .057 Dividend payout .615 .075 .758 8.161 .000 Dividend growth rate .393 .130 .218 3.015 .004 Regularity of dividend declaration .217 .057 .223 3.793 .000 a. Dependent Variable: market value of NBK shares Conclusions It is palpable that National Bank of Kenya had a dividend policy, which has been and continues to be important factor driving NBK share value. However, it was not well understood by the most of the shareholders. The NBK shareholders considered payment of dividends is as major element in the value of shares as it demonstrated that that the firm is strong enough and can pass up profitable investments. It is also evident that that an increase in a dividend payout causes an increase in share price. It is also clear from the results that dividend payments have been experiencing declining over the last five years. Although, maintenance of steady and growing dividend payments has been confirmed to increase the firms share value, adjusting dividend payments towards a target payout ratio will also increase a firms share value. Consequently, steady growth in dividend payments makes the shareholders value their shares more. Regularity of dividend declaration was also viewed as a major element w ith regards to the value of shares as shareholders believed that regular dividend declaration caused an increase in share price. Based on the results, dividend payout, dividend growth rate and regularity of dividend declaration significantly influenced the market value of National Bank of Kenya shares. Recommendations Based on the findings, the study made the following recommendation; Dividend policy has proven to be of paramount importance with regards to the market share value and thus NBKs management should avail the policy to its shareholders. This grants them an opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the policy. NBK must adjust its dividend policy to improve the market value of its shares. For an optimal dividend policy to be achieved and maintained, the bank management should maintain regular dividend payment, and also pay a special dividend or initiate a share repurchase programme. Any changes in policy should be shared with the shareholders.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Allegory Of Young Goodman Essay -- essays research papers fc

In Hawthorne's 'Young Goodman Brown,'; the characters and settings are used to show allegory. The characters and setting are used in metaphor to represent something else. The whole story of 'Young Goodman Brown,'; represents the journey of everyman. It's path that everyone follows, or so Hawthorne seems to believe.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main character, Young Goodman Brown represents the sense of everyone. His last name, Brown, is a common name and therefore could be taken to mean everyone because it is so common. Young could mean someone who is innocent and inexperienced. He is newly married and starting his new life or journey down that path we call fate. Goodman represents just that, a good man.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Faith, Goodman Brown's wife, represents just that, faith. She stands for Brown's faith in god or a greater power than himself. 'There was a scream, drowned immediately in a louder murmur of voices, fading into far-off laughter, as the dark cloud swept away, leaving the clear and silent sky above goodman Brown. But something fluttered down through the air, and caught on the branch of a tree. The young man seized it and beheld a pink ribbon. 'My Faith is gone!' cried he, after one stupefied moment. 'There is no good on earth; and sin so but a name. Come devil! for to thee is this world given.' '; (Hawthorne 196) The ribbon Brown seized from the branch was one of the things Hawthorne had used to describe Faith in the beginning of the story. ...

Monday, August 19, 2019

National Tv Turnoff Week :: essays research papers

Every year thousands of people across the nation turn off their television for seven days to celebrate National TV-Turnoff Week. During this week people are supposed to take time to reflect, spend time with their kids, and go outside and breathe the fresh air. Participating in this event is one of the most challenging things one can do. Most will come out failing and exhausted and the ones that do accomplish it will end up going back to their comfy couch and television sets. National TV-Turnoff week is an extremely unnecessary event that corporations use to lure people out of their homes and into a high priced world where the average person cannot survive. The main goal of this week is to make people go out and spend money. As a result it makes the economy grow. But what society doesn't understand is that not everyone can afford the luxuries the world has to offer. The geniuses behind this idea are such scammers. Are viewers supposed to go a week without television and realize how amazing the outside world is and spend more time there than in their homes? North America is made up of a society where everybody owns at least one television set. It is one of the most used appliances in the household and watching it daily has become routine for most. It would be almost impossible to stop this activity cold turkey. Taking away the television would be like taking away milk from a baby. Without the television people would be deprived of entertainment. It is too expensive to go out these days considering that movie tickets, gas prices, and restaurant meals are too costly for the average person. The number one reason why the nation watches television is because of one simple word: laziness. Nowadays nobody has time to go to art exhibits, make crochet doilies, and prepare candle lit dinners. What seems to be on everybody’s mind, are deadlines, cell phones, soccer games, the Internet, fast food, and total chaos. There are so many family situations where both parents work, children are rushed into life and having a quiet dinner is absolutely impossible. Most households consider watching the television good quality, family time. It is a time where families can catch up on each other’s lives, and still be entertained. The television also doubles as an inexpensive babysitter. Children are hooked to the television as teenagers are to their CD player.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Post WW II and Japan Essays -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  World War II took place beginning at 1939 and ending in 1945. Japan was the last opposing country to surrender to the US Allies on September 2nd, 1945. Ending the long, horrific seven-year war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Upon Japan’s admitted defeat, the U.S. invaded and took occupation of the country for seven years. Though assumed to be a distressing circumstance and expected total domination, it was a benefit to Japan, for the United States to take control of them, rather than being a disadvantage. The occupation helped the recovery and development of Japan’s economy and also clarified understanding between the two countries.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the United States took control of Japan during late summer of 1945, it proved to be a milestone for the entire world. Never before had one advanced nation attempted to reform the supposed faults of another advanced nation from within (Reischauer 221).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both countries were uneasy, complaining the regarded issue at first. For the Americans, the very notion of democratizing Japan represented a stunning revision of the propaganda they had imbibed during the war. When the media had routinely depicted all Japanese as children, savages, sadists, madmen, or robots. In the most pervasive metaphor of dehumanization, they were portrayed in word and picture as apes, or â€Å"monkey-men† (Dower 213). There was much hatred for the Japanese by the American people, because of the negative depiction of them by the media and the remembrance of the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese that drove the U.S. to declare war on Japan in the first place. Many Americans displayed extreme prejudice for the Japanese people calling them â€Å"jaundiced baboons† or the more unsophisticated racial term, â€Å"Jap.† The United States viewed Japan as a collapsing nation that needed strict guidance from them in order to ch ange into the correct form of government.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For the first time in history, Japan was a conquered nation. The slogan, which Japan used to cope during the occupation, was â€Å"enduring the unendurable.† For some Japanese people, the U.S. occupation seemed like more of the same totalitarian leadership as of the emperor, therefore was indifferent to the new order. The rest feared that the Americans would be vengeful, cruel conquerors. The wil... ...tates and Japan is certainly an impressive achievement. Due to the aid and influences contributed by the United States, Japan is now a peaceful, fully restored nation that has improved beyond expectations. The economy is one of the best in the world, and there is no longer any hostility between the two nations. America helped Japan restore its economy and society to build it into a better nation that it is today. Bibliography Perez, Louis G. The History of Japan. London: Greenwood Press, 1998. Reischauer, Edwin O. JAPAN, The Story of a Nation. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1970. Morton, W.Scott. JAPAN, Its History and Culture. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. Area Handbook Series. Japan, a country study. Washington D.C.: Library of Congress, 1992. Beasley, W.G. The Modern History of JAPAN. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1963. Koshiro, Yukiko. Trans-Pacific Racisms and the US Occupation of Japan. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. Beasley, W.G. The Rise of Modern Japan. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1995. Thomas, J.E. Modern Japan. London: Longman Singapore Publishers Pte., 1996. Dower, John W. Embracing Defeat, Japan in the Wake of World War II. New York: Norton, 1999.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Amendment for Protection of the American Flag

As Americans, we live in a nation that provides unlimited opportunity and freedom that is unparalleled in the history of the human experience. Through it all, the flag of our country has stood as a symbol of that freedom and opportunity. Men and women have died to protect it and Americans from all walks of life have sacrificed a great deal to freely display it. However, all of this is countered with a frightening fact- The Constitution of the United States of America promotes desecration of the flag through the protection of flag burning as an expression of free speech (Goldstein, 1994).Therefore, the Constitution cries out for an amendment to protect the flag at all costs because without protection of the very symbol of freedom, the underlying democracy will in time fall by the wayside as well. This should not be taken as a harbinger of the end of democracy, however. In this speech, the following main points will be discussed: †¢ There are far too many cases of flag desecration , as will be proven by statistics †¢ The problem of flag desecration will not go away by itself, so action is needed†¢ Without action, the freedom that the flag represents will go up in flames like the abused flags themselves II. NEED STEP: Flag Desecration is Far Too Common The disrespect that has been shown the flag of the United States, in the most extreme cases, involves the flag being burned. While this makes an excellent photo opportunity for the media, the other examples of disrespect that the flag has been shown in recent years is far more common and degrading than an outright burning.Specific examples of this disrespect include the perversion of the flag under the excuse that the flag is being used for artistic purposes and therefore is legitimate as artistic expression, such as the use of the flag as a canvas upon which pornographic scenes are painted, use of the flag as offensive products such as the Old Glory Condoms offered online for sale, and the presentatio n of destruction of the flag in plays and movies, disguised as an essential part of the plot (Chu, et al, 2003).All of this is reinforced by powerful organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union that use their clout in courts of law to defend those who come under legal scrutiny because of their flag abusing activities (Arbuckle, 2003). Because there are so many perversely innovative ways to disgrace the American flag, the problem of desecration will not go away by itself; rather, evidence suggests that it will only get worse.Therefore, ways to protect the flag must exist. III. SATISFACTION STEP: There are Ways to Protect the Flag It would seem that the flag should be protected from those that would casually destroy it for their own benefit. So, how can this be accomplished? First, the implementation of a Constitutional amendment to ban the desecration of the American flag must take place, regardless of the weak excuses that have been offered to legitimize it.The justificati on for such an amendment lies in an important distinction between freedom of expression and freedom of conduct. The Constitution provides for the right of the individual to express themselves freely, which gives the impression that one is given the freedom to speak freely, peacefully assemble, challenge the government if they perceive that injustice exists, and the other rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights and elsewhere.However, there is a limit on conduct, constitutionally speaking. No one is given the right to act out in any way that they’d like. Therefore just as one would not be permitted to assault an individual with whom they disagreed, no one should be allowed to, in essence, assault the flag if they disagree with the government, or for any other purpose (Foerstel 1997). When and only when the Constitution bans the destruction of the flag will we see a total protection of the freedoms that the flag represents.IV. VISUALIZATION STEP: Without Protection, Democracy Su ffers If the flag is not protected, it would seem that it would only be the beginning of a wholesale sacrifice of all of the freedoms that have been provided by our founding fathers, protected with the blood of many of our best and brightest citizens, and laid out in the Constitution. It will only be through an amendment of that very Constitution that the flag is safe.If the flag is not safe, it is entirely possible that from that point the powerful ACLU and other organizations like it will use their power to make it acceptable for other unacceptable actions to be condoned under the guise of expression of freedom, such as illegal drug use, child abuse, and the like. The awful possibilities are truly endless. Simply put if we do not constitutionally protect the flag, a free-for-all will likely result as the other rules of civil conduct, one by one, are subsequently challenged and defeated. In the end result, only those with the money and power will have their agendas-for better or wo rse- advanced.Anarchy and evil will prevail without solid regulations to prevent such occurrences. V. ACTION STEP: Everyone Needs to Get Involved Sadly, the ultimate sacrifices that Americans have made in the name of freedom, from the hills of Lexington and Concord to the deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan, are likely to continue as long as the American nation exists. However aside from these valiant efforts, everyone who loves democracy and freedom must get involved in the effort to protect the American flag. There are several ways for the common person to personally solve the problem of flag desecration:First, support for the Constitutional amendment must exist. Citizens should take advantage of their freedom of expression to speak out in support of this effort. The circulation of petitions to gain the support of others will go a long way to appeal to elected officials about the importance of the amendment. Likewise, soliciting these elected officials to speak publically in support o f the amendment would be an excellent method. From the sacred point of view, church groups should also gather together regardless of religious affiliation to make a difference (Wall, 1995).Speaking out and organizing will be the best way to facilitate a flag protection amendment. VI. CONCLUSION: Summing it Up In an age where traditions and symbols are being discarded one by one, the flag must be protected at all costs; if not, the bloodshed in the past will all be in vain. Sadly, as has been discussed, the flag is sacrificed for profit, personal interests and entertainment- basically, the slimmest of reasons. Thus, the call goes out to everyone to be vocal, solicit flag protection from their friends and neighbors as well as elected officials, and never give up.The America that our children and grandchildren ultimately inherit is the one that we create today. We owe it not only to ourselves but also to generations yet unknown to us to preserve liberty, and justice for all. The task b efore us is clear- if we protect the flag, the flag will ultimately protect us! Works Cited Arbuckle, M. R. (2003). Vanishing First Amendment Protection for Symbolic Expression 35 Years after United States V. O'Brien. Communications and the Law, 25(2), 1+. Chu, J. , & Couper, D. P. (2003). The Flag and Freedom. Social Education, 67(6), 327+.Foerstel, H. N. (1997). Free Expression and Censorship in America An Encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Goldstein, R. J. (1994, July 18). This Flag Is Not for Burning: Snuffing out Symbolic Speech. The Nation, 259, 84+. Goldstein, R. J. (1995). Saving Old Glory: The History of the American Flag Desecration Controversy. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Monroe’s Motivated Sequence. Retrieved November 22, 2008 from the World Wide Web: http://www. worldofspeech. com/speech1/monroe. html Wall, J. M. (1995, July 19). Flag-Burning Revisited. The Christian Century, 112, 699.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Ben Jonson Song to Celia Essay

Ben Jonson’s â€Å"Song: To Celia† can vary in interpretation depending on the reader. The interpretation of the poem can either be that of a man confessing his love to a woman who rejects him or that of a man in love with a woman who he has had a previous, unsuccessful relationship with. Jonson’s diction, rhyme scheme, rhythm, and symbolism make â€Å"Song: To Celia† an intriguing piece which requires the reader to read creatively. â€Å"Song: To Celia† has a consistent rhythm of alternating iambic tetrameter and trimeter throughout the poem. The rhyme scheme is ABCB, ABCB until a change in line nine to DEFE with one slant rhyme pair. The change in rhyme scheme from ABCB to DEFE represents a change in the tone of the poem while staying true to its sing-song nature. From lines one through eight, Jonson uses drinking and thirst as metaphors for love and desire. In the opening line when he says â€Å"drink to me, only with thine eyes,† Jonson is personifying Celia’s eyes and metaphorically suggesting that they are able to declare love. The recurring reference to wine and drinking implies that love is intoxicating and in line two, it is implied that a â€Å"pledge† similar to a toast can be made of love similarly to a promise. In line five, the speaker mentions the â€Å"thirst†¦ from the soul† in reference to the speaker’s desire to live happily in love with Celia. The speaker even says that he will give up immortality presented to him in liquid form just to be with her. Line nine presents a change in the poem. The speaker’s love from line nine to the end of the poem is compared to a wreath. A wreath typically represents eternity with it’s round shape. The diction of this poem, however, suggests that the wreath represents rejection. The wreath is a gift that the speaker sent to Celia who returned it to him. In line fifteen, the wreath â€Å"grows and smells. † The growth of the wreath represents the growth of love inside the speaker only and the smell signifies the lingering of Celia’s presence in the speaker’s thoughts. Jonson makes an interesting choice by having the speaker send a â€Å"late†¦ rosy wreath† on line nine. Late can either mean at night or occurring after the proper time. Depending on the reader’s interpretation of this line, the poem can have completely different meanings. If the wreath is considered to be sent at night, Celia has simply rejected its sender. If the wreath is considered to be sent after the proper time however, it is implied that Celia and the speaker have had previous relations with each other and that the speaker has sent the wreath in hopes of another chance at romance and happiness. By describing the wreath as â€Å"withered† in line twelve, it is implied that something that once existed has now died. The difference between the hopeful, longing, intoxicated feeling of the first half of the poem with the defeat in the second half is what makes this poem profound in its telling of rejection. The use of metaphors and debatable language appeal to the readers’ emotions and provoke their thoughts add to the confusion and passion of one-sided love, thus making Ben Jonson’s â€Å"Song: To Celia† an effective work in its portrayal.

Movie Review: The White Balloon Essay

Jafar Panahi’s movie entitled â€Å"The White Balloon† is a depiction of social reality in these present times within the eyes of a young girl protagonist. The conflict of the story is simple as well as the resolution and its setting. The main problem of the protagonist is her likeness to buy a fish but she does not have any amount of money in her pocket. What she did was she took her mother’s last money and went to the store but while walking to the store, the girl lose her mother’s money that brought fear and anger within her. At the end of the story, there is no concrete solution to the conflict but the protagonist made her own way of obtaining the money to buy the fish.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Like what other critics and analysts said towards this film, there is no need to impose complex conflicts to make each story a good one. As long as there are complete scenarios and interpretations of things, everything would be better than the others. This is what Panahi did in this movie. He only took the courage to discuss and illustrate the life of Iranians in a typical country of Iran. Though it is more on the simple aspects of Iranian tradition, there is a combination of twist and turns that will bring its audience to the mood of waiting for the next situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In my own perception and point of view regarding the issues and topics that were tackled in the movie is that the director has no direct attack towards the resolution of the conflict. He is already satisfied with the illustrations and discussions of Iranian life but there is no form of resolution to the conflict. The protagonist’s problem was not a personal problem but a social problem that should not be taken for granted. It means that the director itself should not take this for granted if he wanted to analyze the situation of Iranian people especially in the cases like this where the main character is a child who always seeks for answers in every question. Reference Panahi, J. The White Balloon.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

London Jets

Questions for the London Jets Case Download the file LondonJets. xls, available on the course website. I. Perform RFM Analysis: (recency, frequency, monetary (total sales) analysis) as indicated on page 3 of the case; steps for RFM are given on page 8 of the case (I have provided one approach on page 3 of this document). Use pivot table with Frequency and Monetary value for rows and Recency for column. Data field should be Count of CustID. Important Note — The format for this table is shown on the next page; use this format for your RFM table. Please provide a brief interpretation for the RFM analysis – assume you are the consultant to London Jets; how would you explain what the numbers in the pivot table mean (keep the discussion brief; each and every entry need not be explained). II. Additional Analysis: Do two additional sets of analysis beyond RFM. As an example, you may want to analyze attendance patterns for Fan Club Members versus non-members to see if there is any merit in increasing the size of this club (this would count as one analysis). There are several different variables in the database, and as such there are lots of ways in which the data can be analyzed. Think about the issue London Jets is facing – how to increase attendance – and let this objective drive your analysis. For each additional analysis undertaken by your team, provide a rationale as to why should London Jets consider the customer segment you are analyzing. Please also be sure to briefly explain the outcome of your analysis (what did you learn for your analysis, and how London Jets can benefit from this analysis). What to submit? Please submit one hard copy of the report per team. List the last names of team members on the cover page in alphabetical order. Prepare your report in power point such that it could be presented to London Jets’ management (although your team will not be asked to present the report). Your report should end with a Conclusions page where you draw conclusions from all the analyses you have done, and recommended actions London Jets can take to increase attendance to its games based on your work. Please make sure that the report is contained within a maximum of 12 pages (slides) including the title and conclusions pages. Team work models I have seen two models of team work. The first and more commonly used model is where the team divides the workload and each member is responsible for completing their share of work. These disparate pieces are put together as a report. The obvious advantage of this approach is that the work is divided evenly among members. The drawback of this approach is that sloppy work by one or more team members adversely impacts the score of those who put in good work. Additionally, if someone in the team does not take the trouble to integrate the disparate pieces, the end result can be a report that appears disjoint (i. . made up of pieces that do not flow well together). The second, less common approach is where each member provides input on every aspect (question) of the case. Compared to the approach described above, the second approach certainly requires more time from each member. The advantage however is that often the best ideas (i. e. responses to case questions) make it into the report, resulting in a higher quality of sub mitted work. Important Note — This note applies for all cases done in this class. I cannot entertain questions such as â€Å"Professor, please take a look at what we have so far and let us know if we are on the right track†. Teams are expected to work on each case independently. Taking necessary decisions in situations where there is no clear consensus is a part of team learning process. [pic] Learn more about RFM here: http://searchcrm. techtarget. com/sDefinition/0,,sid11_gci751219,00. html Steps for creating RFM table for London Jets Step 0 — Start by creating a column with 3000 entries such that the first 600 entries are 5s, followed by 600 4s, 600 3s, 600 2s and 600 1s. With copy and paste, this takes  less than  2 minutes and I can gladly show you how. Here are the remaining steps for assigning RFM codes to the London Jets. Step 1 — Sort the entire data on recency of attendance so that customers that attended the games most recently will be on the top of the list. Add a new column to the data labeled R, where you copy and paste the column created in step 0. Step 2 — Sort the entire data, including recency codes assigned in step 1, on the basis of frequency of attendance such that customers with the highest frequency of attendance are at the top of the list. Add a new column to the data labeled F, where you copy and paste the column created in step 0. Step 3 — Sort the entire data, including recency codes assigned in step 1 and frequency codes assigned in step 2, on the basis of  monetary spending such that customers spending the most are at the top of the list. Add a new column to the data labeled M, where you assign first 1000 hundred customers a  M code of 5, the next 1000 a code of 4, and the last 1000 a code of 3. You are done assigning codes at the end of step 3, and are ready to create the RFM table.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Pump and Dump: The Rancid Rules of the New Economy Essay

                  Mr. CEO was very efficient when he requested a report on the study of organizational culture in the company. The shared knowledge in an organization concerning the rules, norms and values that shape the attitude, and the behaviors of the organization’s employees are termed as the organizational culture. Organization culture has its components in the business that helps the culture to be successful in its functioning. In addition, organization should have a strong culture and try its best ways to maintain the culture of efficiency in the organization business performance. An organization also develops different steps to ensure that the newcomers in the group will easily fate themselves in the organization culture. The study of organizational culture and change is discussed based on the theories in chapter14 of Wolf of Wall Street video.                  In this chapter, corporate culture has a number of facets that are derived from its definition, the key one being culture; that is the shared knowledge among the associates of the organization (Cameron11). Employees learn about the most vital aspects of the shared experience through other employees of the association. Moreover, culture being a common knowledge amongst the employees, this shows that members of the organization indeed understands and have a degree of consensus on the definition of culture. The second facet of the organizational culture is that culture informs the employees about the rules, norms, and values surrounding the organization and also helps the employees to answer some questions concerning the organization for instance; what kind of behaviors are appropriate or inappropriate at the workplace?                     The last facet of organizational culture is that it natures and reinforces confident employees attitude and acts by creating a structure of control over all the employees in the organization(Tillman18).Organizations have three chief components concerning their culture, and they include; observable relics, adopted values, and fundamental underlying notion. Group culture components are usually compared with the theory of an onion since some components are readily visible and apparent; these are denoted to be the skin of the onion since people can observe and make their understanding of the organization. While the other components that are inside the organization remains to be a mystery and are referred to be the inner part of the onion since it is until they peel off the cover in order to gauge the values and assumption that are beneath the organization.                  The first component that is the observable artifacts is manifested by the culture of the organization that the employees can easily see or talk about on their own. The artifacts supply the signals that are interpreted by the employees in order to gauge their personal behavior when working. In addition, the artifacts provide primary means of transmitting to the organization culture to its workforce. Artifacts are of different types that include; symbols that conveys the message to the people, physical structure; that are the buildings in the association and designs of the internal office. The last type of the artifacts is the rituals that are planned on weekly routines and practiced in the organization.                   The other component is espoused values, which include beliefs, philosophies, and norms. These values are explicitly stated by the great organization of companies, for example of an espoused value is the one found in the corporate constitution of Calgary-based EnCana Corporation. The last component is the basic underlying assumption which are the fixed beliefs and attitudes that are ingrained in order for the employees to act upon them rather than basing their questions on validity of their behavior in a specified situation. The assumptions represent the deepest and the minimum visible part of the acquired knowledge, and it may not be apparent even to the organizational veterans.                   The chapter14 of this movie describes organizational culture through its components and its culture along various dimensions (Harrison23). Organizations culture is characterized by two theories that are solidarity and sociability. The degree in which group members think and act similarly is termed as solidarity while sociability represents how employees show friendship to one another. On these two dimensions, lower organization experience both dimensions in a fragmented culture whereby employees are distant and disconnected from approaching each other. While, on that organization that has cultures in which employees think similarly, but they are unfriendly to each other, this culture is considered to be mercenary cultures and the organization are likely to be so political in nature.In addition, there is networked culture whereby employees are friendly to each other but thinks differently and does their work personally. The last organization culture is th e communal culture in which the organizational is built of the friendly employees who have the same thoughts in their actions.                  Not all organizations have high culture although most of the organization seems to strive for one culture. A high culture exists when its employees agree with the way things are supposed to run the organization, and their behavior should be subsequent to that expectation. Indeed, a high culture plays a role to unite and gives directions to the employees. Weak cultures originate due to disagreement among the employees on matters of how things are supposed to be done. This shows that it has nothing that it can add to the unity of the employees or even direct their attitudes and doings.                  In accordance to the chapter14 of the video, a culture is tested when the founders of the organization and the original employees start to novice and hire fresh members (Robbins9). If these new employees fail to fit in the organization, the culture weakens or differentiates. Two theories that can conspire to keep the culture strong that is through attrition or socialization. For example, in ASA framework, states that potential members will be fascinated by the organization whose cultures matches their character. This means that the some potential job candidates would not smear due to perceived dearth of fit. On the other hand socialization that is defined as primary process through which employees learn the social knowledge that higher them the understanding and adoption of the organization culture. This knowledge aids the employee to adopt quickly and specialize in the organization culture more readily than other new members.                After cultures are established and maintained in an organization, they tend to persist over a long time until bad news concerning the culture may occur (Lewis46). The bad news can lead to the culture failing to fit in the organization. In order to change a culture, there is the primary process that involves three phases that include, unfreezing; initiative can be amended, and refreezing. These steps would be based on the problems associated with the culture for example, if it is about unfreezing, the issues concerning the customer’s complaints on the product quality should be checked since it may trigger awareness about the company’s culture problems.                In assumption, according to the Wolf of Wall Street, organization acquired knowledge extremely contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. Organization culture theories aid the people to understand the organization since it conveys signals that are easily interpreted by the employees on their socialization. It would recommend that the company’s organizations to uphold their culture system since it equips the employees with excellent knowledge on their relationship with others in the workplace. References Cameron, Kim S, and Robert E. Quinn. Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture: Based on the Competing Values Framework. San Francisco, CA: Josser-Bass, 2011. Internet resource. Harrison, J R, and Glenn R. Carroll. Culture and Demography in Organizations. Princeton [u.a.: Princeton Univ. Press, 2006. Print. Lewis, Michael. Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt. , 2014. Print. Robbins, Stephen P, Aletta Odendaal, and G Roodt. Organisational Behaviour: Global and Southern African Perspectives. Cape Town: Pearson Education South Africa, 2003. Print. Tillman, Robert H, and Michael L. Indergaard. Pump and Dump: The Rancid Rules of the New Economy. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers Univ Press, 2008. Print. Source document