Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Napoleon was a child of the Enlightenment Essay

Assess the validity of this statement by using specific policies and attitudes of Napoleon. During the time period of the French Revolution, many governments came and went as a result of the unorganized and often times, radical political regimes that were recklessly installed by desperate people longing for equality and liberty. The French were inspired by the new liberal notions and ideas of political and economic rights for all proposed by Enlightenment thinkers. As different forms of governments and their leaders among them passed, one man named Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power by manipulating the Directory and the French people to enable him to assume authoritative powers over his subjects and, as a side effect, majority of continental Europe. Bonaparte used his autocratic powers to maintain the rights achieved during the revolution and inject new Enlightenment he had been educated from the small island of Corsica as long as they did not interfere with his thirst for power. Napol eon Bonaparte rose to power via the arrogance of a political leader who failed to comprehend the influence of Bonaparte and his army. Napoleon Bonaparte issued a constitution, the Constitution of Year VIII, to clarify his new political intentions he would impose. With this constitution, he created an illusion to the French people that people from all fractions of the political spectrum would be content with. His constitution appealed to the common man and democratic supporters with â€Å"universal male suffrage.† An elaborate system of checks and balances between each sector of his government appealed to republican supporters. Also, the Council of State would satisfy any monarchists that remained in France. However, as an intellectually-inclined individual from his education in philosophy and military strategy, Bonaparte provided the French with a sound and stable state and what appeared to be a constitutional government in which he knew that the public would eat up his legal proposition. Bonaparte also simplified and cleaned up the French government and its legal system with reforms such as the Civil Code o f 1804, or more commonly known as the Napoleonic Code. Napoleon Bonaparte created reforms that were based off of the education he received as a boy from the Age of Enlightenment that would thus act as a tool for nation-building and continental domination. Napoleon Bonaparte demonstrated from his enlightened point of view that religion could be separate from government–but does not have to be totally eradicated from society itself to achieve such an intention–with the concordat with Pope Pius VII. He also treated all faiths equally by emphasizing that the state was supreme over whatever religion or denomination it may be like how he enacted laws on both Protestant and Jewish communities in the Roman Catholic dominated France. Bonaparte maintained the abolishment of the practice of primogeniture. Napoleon also went on a rampage all of Europe to expand his empire. As he marched throughout Europe, he liberated peasants by eliminating the economic and social practice of serfdom. Napoleon Bonaparte developed in an environment that was saturated with philosophical ideas pertaining to social and religious ideas that Enlightenment thinkers studied and discovered new ways of the ways people could interact such as religious toleration and social equality. Napoleon Bonaparte grew up in a home that was greatly influenced by Enlightenment ideas and principles. This statement can be reached with Bonaparte’s actions that were obviously liberal and new to the decades prior to the French Revolution. He did assume total control over France and the continent of Europe, but he did permit some liberty and freedom to his loyal subjects. Bonaparte used Enlightenment ideals to gain power and used them to maintain power by convincing he was still providing what the liberal bourgeois and nobility had been fighting for and along with some new ideas that did not go against his drive for authoritative powers. In all Napoleon Bonaparte utilized his Enlightenment education to manipulate the French and free many serfs and to control France and later Europe.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Dulce Et Decorum Est And The Soldier

Dulce et decorum est is written regarding the First World War in the hindsight of the battle of the Somme. This takes a somewhat cynical view on warfare. The soldier by Rupert Brooke on the other hand takes a very strong patriotic feel and this shines through more then anything else. The soldier paints a picture of English serenity and whereas â€Å"dulce et.† portrays Owens anger at the indifference of those at home who continued to propagate lies. You can see the influence of Siegfried Sassoon in this piece. The language is more direct and shocking â€Å"guttering, choking, drowning† helps convey the grievance in the air. In the soldier the language is less deplorable and has a feel more of a love poem â€Å"her sights and sounds†¦ under an English Heaven† this coupled with the fact that the poem is written as a sonnet reiterates the feel of Love. Both poems are based on death in Wars. However Brooke paints a more glamorised and less direct picture of death â€Å"if I should die, think only this of me: That there's some corner of a foreign field†¦blest by suns of home.† This evokes the idealistic image of a perfect England in a ‘Golden' age, such as many believe existed immediately prior to the First World War. This does however expose the arrogance that Brooke perhaps had. It places too much importance on his own sacrifices and not on the general sacrifices being made by so many, and on the loss of a way of life, which the war would bring out like many other First World War poets such as ‘Edward Thomas' and ‘Charles Hamilton Sorely'. Owen on the other hand almost haunts the reader using fiery vocabulary to help depict the shocking death of a soldier â€Å"guttering, Choking, Drowning.† Owen clearly wanted to address the people at home and suggests to them that if, in their worst nightmares, they could re-live this experience, they would not keep repeating that it is good and sweet to die for your country. He is saying that no one who has witnessed these horrors could ever encourage anyone to take part in such a war. He had already pointed out the exhaustion of the soldiers â€Å"drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots† helping the reader to visualise the lack of awareness of the soldiers. This certainly will give the reader a much more negative take on the war contaray to the over-hyped propaganda war that those at home believe. Brooke conveys the image that was painted by the media in Britain at the time of the war and even in death, he believes he cannot remove that sense of pride from him and his passing will not be in vain if, at home in England people are, once again happy and at peace. He feels that by his death he will have given back to England everything, and more, that it gave to him. The happiness and security earned by his sacrifice will buy his eternal peace † this heart, all evil shed away, A pulse in the eternal mind† Owen continues his cynicalism of the war in the last verse using necessarily harsh and wicked language â€Å"come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs†. They fling the man into a wagon, because they know there is no point in being gentle- he will soon be dead anyway. The description of his face and eyes â€Å"And watch the white eyes writhing in his face† gives him a ghost-like quality. This verse is intended to demonstrate the realism of a violent, u nnecessary death; hence it builds to a crescendo of anger, before a final earnest plea to stop the lies. These two poems could be no more different. ‘The soldier' is a poem supporting the war in a way not too dissimilar to the way the media in that time promoted it whilst ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est' is a pessimistic take on a war that was conveyed by the British media as far from the truth as possible. Owen wanted the British people to know the truth about the war and expressed these feelings best in his poetry. Brooke in contrast went along with the glamorized image that had been portrayed by the media, which wasn't a fair reflection on the war.

School Legal Issue Plan

The safety and security of the students are a major concern for our schools; especially elementary campuses. The dismissal routine at Cook elementary school is in need of revamping to a higher level of security. Each campus principal makes the decision on the dismissal procedure. Across the nation, there are numerous students who are mistakenly handed over to the wrong parent or adult or just simply come up missing from their school campus. In recent years, there have been several incidents in which the students were either handed over to the wrong person, or left the school without the staff knowing how they left.The safety of the students during dismissal should be a concerned just like it is during the instructional time of the school day. The current dismissal is the bus riders are dismissed and are expected to meet the assigned staff member at the end of the hall. Shortly after the bus riders depart, the walkers are to lineup and report to the multi-purpose room to be released. Finally, the car riders are escorted by their homeroom teacher to north side of the building where parents are able to drive-up to pick up their child(ren). Some parents have car rider numbers and some just ask for the students by name. Often times this routine is quite chaotic; especially when there is inclement weather.There have been a couple of times in which parents inquire as to how their child was released from school. Either the parent forgot to send a note or the student forgot to give it to teacher or front office. When a parent/guardian calls to check on how their child left for the day, there should be a better way to inform the parent/guardian that the child either rode a bus, walked, or was picked up via car. In 2010, at a Dallas elementary school, a kindergarten student was handed over to the wrong adult, but the incident ended well because the person returned to the school with the child. This current school year, a little girl left with one of her classmate’s mother without permission from the parents.These events cause panic among the families as well as cost the  cities and counties money because of police involvement. Although I would rather have a false alarm, than to not contact authority and have a bigger issue on hand. In light of these events, extra security measures should be implemented in an effort to avoid such incidents. This requires the involvement of all administrators, teachers, and staff to do their part to ensure safe return of all students to their homes at the end of the school day. This unit will explain in detail procedures that can be implemented to avoid handing a student to the wrong person. Suggested dismissal procedure implementation plan:Notification of dismissal routineColor code each grade levelEach student is assigned a dismissal ticket number.Exit ticket and bagsCar rider numbersTeacher creates a spreadsheet identifying students dismissal routineStages of dismissalExit tickets2nd and 3rd notification t o parents, students, and staff of the new dismissal procedure. ïÆ'ËœPTOEffective dateAccountabilityNotification of change in dismissal routineA week before the change in the dismissal routine, parents/guardians will receive notice of the upcoming change as well as a form to complete stating how their child(ren) are to be dismissed from school. The notice will clearly state that although the child(ren) may be designated as a bus rider or walker, he or she will still receive an assigned number for dismissal. The notice will also state that whenever there is a change in how the student is to leave school, a written note signed by parent/guardian must be sent to the school.Color code each grade levelEach grade level will be assigned a specific color in an effort to quickly identify the grade level of students at the end of the day. There are times when dismissal is chaotic and if the students have their dismissal tickets in hand, staff members can easily identify where the student belo ngs if he or she becomes separated from the class. In addition, the dismissal areas will be color coded for the assigned grade levels to wait for their dismissal.Dismissal ticket numbersEach student will be assigned a dismissal number which will be tied to that student’s name. Regardless of the number of siblings attending the same school, each will have his or her own number. The reasoning to avoid assigning one dismissal number for each family is because there could be a family member absent that day and it would be hard to track if there is one or two or more members per family as well as which student is absent. It is much safer for each student to have his or her own number because it is easier to account for that student.These assigned numbers, which will be color coded based on grade level along with the student’s assigned homeroom teacher’s first initial and last name becomes that student’s exit ticket. Placing the teacher’s name on the stu dent’s assigned number makes it quicker to track the student’s movement. As the student leaves school for the day, he or she will place their exit ticket in the appropriate exit bag.Car rider numbersThere will be two sets of numbers, one index card size for the students as an exit ticket and one letter paper size to be given to parents to identify which student he or she is picking up by placing the number in the front window. The color code will identify the grade level and the number identifies the student. The parents must display this number in their window when picking up their child(ren).Exit tickets and bagsThe color coded assigned numbers will serve as the student’s exit from school. These tickets are laminated to withstand long-term usage. There will be an exit bag for each method of dismissal; early departure, bus dismissal, walkers, and car riders. A designated staff member will collect the exit tickets as the students depart. The next school day, the tickets are separated by designated staff and returned to the teachers.SpreadsheetThe teacher for each class room will create a spreadsheet identifying how each student goes home at the end of the day. The spreadsheet should include: bus riders, walkers, and car riders. In the event the teacher is absent, the spreadsheet is visibly posted for a substitute to know how the students are dismissed.Stages of dismissalThe bell will continue to be the signal for the end of the school day. The students will be dismissed by the way they go home. The bus riders, which include district, private, and day care buses, will be dismissed first. These students will be escorted and supervised by designated staff members. As each student departs, each will drop his or her exit ticket into the exit bag. After about 5 minutes, the walkers will be escorted by assigned staff and released at the appointed doors(s). After giving the walkers about 5 minutes to depart, the car riders will be escorted to the designated pick-up zone to release students to parents. The teachers will carry their spreadsheet with them which indicates the students’ dismissal numbers. As the teachers and other staff members escort the students to their vehicles he/she will collect the students’ exit tickets to be placed in the exit bag for car riders.Notification of new dismissal routineUpon the onset of working on the new dismissal routine, the parents will receive a newsletter from the school notifying them of the upcoming change. A week before the implementation of the new routine another newsletter is sent home stating the date the change will take effect. The final notice of the change will be issued on a Friday before the Monday the new routine becomes official. The parents will receive notification of the upcoming change at least 3 times in an effort to prepare them for the change. In addition, the teachers will prepare the students for the change in the dismissal routine to help them tra nsition as smoothly as possible.PTOThe members of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) will play a very important role of getting the word out to parents/guardians of the new dismissal routine. The PTO will help to address any concerns or questions related to the new dismissal routine. In addition, whenever possible, the PTO will help in separating and returning the exit tickets to the designated teachers.Effective dateThe effective date for the new dismissal routine should take place on a Monday. This will allow parents/guardians to make the necessary adjustments in their routines. In addition, with proper notification the parents/guardians will have time to pose any questions or concerns they may have with the administration.AccountabilityThe implementation of the new dismissal routine should prove to be a less stressful way to monitor and know how each student leaves the campus. The teacher for each homeroom is responsible for ensuring his/her students are dismissed as requested by the parents. In addition, the teachers should ensure there is a form returned for each student in their homeroom.ConclusionIn conclusion, whereas this may not be a perfect plan, it will provide some extra security measures in helping the students to depart the school as the parents/guardians desire as well as provide a checkpoint to quickly determine how a student left campus during dismissal. There may be some confusion the first couple of days, but that is to be expected. However, if the plan is followed as set, the kinks will work themselves out. What is most important is the security and protection of our students.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Gilded Age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Gilded Age - Essay Example Mark Twain coined the tem â€Å"Gilded Age† in the last decades of the nineteenth century. Gilded Age refers the era that followed the American Civil War, stretching from the end of the reconstruction period to the dawn of the twentieth century. The era was characterized by enormous economic growth and European investments. Ideally, the Gilded Age was an era of transforming America into a liberal country. Outstanding events that characterized the era included increased immigration, industrial growth, and construction of railway networks. The Gilded Age cannot be considered as a Golden Age for Americans instead, the age symbolizes an era of unsolved problems. In The Gilded Age: a Tale of Today, writers Mark Twain and Charles Dudley confirm that Gilded Age was an era of severe social problems (Biography web). According to the authors, these problems could not be visualized since they remained beneath a thin layer of the supposed gold. In this context, gold symbolizes the economi c and social developments that accompanied Gilded Age. Golden age refers to an era of peace prosperity, stability, and harmony. Unfortunately, the Gilded Age was characterized by neither stability nor prosperity (Zinn 32). In particular, the period can be considered as an era of great economic oppressions as Americans struggled to rebuild their country. To the American, the Gilded Age was an era of exorbitant taxation. American economy became more intertwined with cotton and tobacco exports. The prices of these commodities reduced dramatically affecting the livelihood of ordinary American farmers. Although the country experienced a GDP growth, per capita income remained minimal. Unsolved problems in the agriculture sector included the slave question, the north, and south states issue. These problems were covered under increased exports to the European market and the rise of mechanized farming. Unsolved economic problems became the basis of more sophisticated social and political pro blems. Gilded Age politics were characterized by intense completion between political parties. The third party system promoted intense competition Between the Democratic and the Republican Parties. Consequently, minor parties including the Labor and Farmers unions disappeared as soon as they were established. Intense competition between the two parties intensified the country’s political temperature. Indeed, Americans were divided between Republicans and Democrats (Zinn 54). Both parties established the supposed â€Å"Political Machines† to oversee elections, reward their royalists and buyoff their opponents. Consequently, the wining party becomes the sole controller of state and government’s jobs, contracts and business openings. The â€Å"spoils system† was also a major source of political influence. Elected candidates were expected to pray according to the instructions of their political spoils/sponsors. For example in 1876, Hayes was elected in a secr et deal to be the new president of the United States. In addition, Harrison won the elections without winning the popular vote. Thus, the US did not achieve any form of political stability during the gilded age. Indeed, the era was a cover-up for the political instabilities that characterized the country. The era is considered the most turbulent time in American political history. Political reforms that promoted multiparty democracy and high voter turnout, acted as a conspiracy for politically motivated scandals, political rivalry, and civil unrest. Thus, the Gilded Age can never be considered as the US’s version of the Golden Age. Social developments also remained unattended during the Gilded Age. During the gilded age, discriminations against the black Americans intensified. Black Americans living in the southern states experienced the worst form of discrimination. The black communities were stripped off their political and voting rights. Ideally, the system almost revived slavery despite slave trade and slave labor having been abolished. During the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Models for competitive ddynamis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Models for competitive ddynamis - Essay Example The idea of using internet was later branded Grow Your Business (GYB) strategy. While DYB focusses on chances of business failure, GYB focusses on the growth gap ahead and do not consider the past or current state of the, which can yield negative effects in the future, it is all about optimism without real time consideration. (Byrne, 1998). While GYB is based on future growth, DYB considers the current position of the business in terms of mistakes, unutilized chances and comes up with a way of handling the problems. This way, the business is able to identify its weakness and strengthen them. As a result, the business is able to compete favorably. DYB provided a better foundation for the two major types of business growth and profit maximization, namely top-line growth and bottom line growth. In top line growth, one identifies lucrative ideas and invests more funds on them to generate more revenues, this can be identified by checking on how the products are doing in market and making decision on where to direct more effort based on DYB results. The bottom line growth involves cutting cost so that profits are maximized; this is the basis of DYB (Byrne, 1998). Generally, DYB have more chances of keeping a business equally competitive to the rest of the firms and is more critical in profit maximization in the long-term per iod. Cannibalization when used in business context refers to deliberate reduction in production, sales and revenue from a product because of introduction of another product from the same producer (Ward & Reiffen, 2005). Virtually, this may seem to be antagonistic to the aims of profit-oriented organization, but if carefully planned may yield more profit and help a company contain competition from rivals. Rather than producing a new product to capture new clients, the company maintains the old clients by swapping demand for the established product with demand for the new product. In essence, two items belonging to the same company competes

Saturday, July 27, 2019

A Risks Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Risks Analysis - Essay Example Raise the prices by 20% capital costs is significant due to purchase of machinery and losses in production opportunity time due to installation of the system, training of personnel and repairs in the working environment. In effect, payback period may be unsustainable. fluctuations in interest rates of the lending institution can affect business profitability; transportation costs and custom duties may result to higher sales price; competition with local products afforded with tax incentives and "patronize local products" edge can be unsustainable Option #5: Set up a joint venture with an overseas car manufacturer. An engine manufacturer in an unstable country in Southeast Asia has expressed interest in a joint venture to build all the engines for Suprema Cars. If they do this, Suprema would have to send out a team of engineers to the country to supervise production in the early stages. Transportation costs and custom duties may be too high; fluctuations in exchange rates are high in an unstable country; high Occupational Safety concerns for engineers sent to the country for supervision; quality of engines can be compromised significant capital investment for research and development; lost production opportunity time due to new system of production and training of personnel; competition with other cars with the same qualities maybe unsustainable From the details of the benefi

Friday, July 26, 2019

Walmart Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Walmart - Case Study Example Wal-Mart has not been as successful in the e-commerce marketplace as other online vendors such as EBay and Amazon. A third weakness of Wal-Mart is its high operating costs including having the largest private workforce in the world. During the last two fiscal years the company’s operating expenses increased by 2.7% and 1.7% respectively (Walmartstores, 2011). The company is also susceptible to a variety of risks including foreign currency, lawsuits, and impairment of assets. I think that the neighborhood store format is at conflict with the company’s grand strategy of offering its customers the lowest prices in the retail market. The firm has always place high emphasis on running an efficient operation without any unnecessary added costs. The concept of the neighborhood store format goes against Wal-Mart’s strategy of standardizing its stores in the United States. The firm is able to lower its infrastructure costs by using a similar format in all its stores. Economies of scales are achieved at Wal-Mart by purchasing goods in bulk. Economies of scale are a key advantage for a business because it lowers a firm’s cost per unit (Tutor2u, 2012). Wal-Mart has been able to differentiate its product offering by providing its customers with a higher variety of items at lower prices. The neighborhood store format threatens Wal-Mart’s corporate culture and its long term success in the retail industry. The retail industry generated reven ues in the United States of $4,691 billion in 2011 (Plunkettresearchonline, 2012). Wal-Mart should expect a variety of challenges in its international expansion efforts. The first challenge the company faces is being able to carry over its US brand value into the international markets. Wal-Mart has gained its brand value through the accumulative efforts of its founder, managers and employees for over 50 years. Once the company started to operate outside the United States the company had to start from scratch by

Thursday, July 25, 2019

To what Extent has the 'War on Terror' Undermined the Human Rights Essay

To what Extent has the 'War on Terror' Undermined the Human Rights Agenda in World Politics - Essay Example However, the ‘revenge’ was directed against Muslims in general because the aforementioned event, which was insignificant in comparison to the routine onslaughts in other countries, paved the way for incursions into specific Muslim territories. Under this pretext, the US invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 and invaded Iraq in 2003 to further its geopolitical interests. The War on Terror is an implementation of Manichaeism, as it allowed the USA to make a new enemy after the collapse of the USSR. It is serving its imperialistic ambitions by painting the Muslim World as a new axis of evil and a threat to modern Western civilization. However, this enemy is more abstract than real and the situation is only leading to widespread irrational fear and unnecessary destruction. This war would therefore be more aptly described as a ‘War by Terror’ because the US is the real terrorist on its last vestiges of being a superpower. This paper shows how true this is and the e xtent to which this fake war is undermining the human rights agenda in world politics. It also examines how the US has managed to perpetrate these crimes and its aggression despite the existence of international laws to prevent abuse and what can be done to control the real evil which now poses a threat to the entire world. A cornerstone of the US actions post 9/11 has been its application of the doctrine of ‘pre-emptive military strike’. The US asserts that it has the right to take unilateral military action against other states and organisations if it perceives a threat. However, this is a dangerous trend that effectively makes the UN redundant and is out of conformity with international laws, conventions and resolutions (Gupta, 2008). America’s actions even transgress its own and international laws. Its leadership and military have committed serious crimes against humanity. The attempted moralization of the use of the military force, transgresses the norms of humanity (Schmitt, 2008). This situation hearkens back to the era before the UN existed and it could set a dangerous precedent for other nations which would then reverse decades of globalisation efforts to prevent wars. One of the biggest victims of this is human rights; the global agenda to protect human rights and guarantee human dignity and respect. This agenda at the international level began after World War II. In its new phase this century, the effort was to liberalise international relations to that they â€Å"conform to the liberal prescription for the good society† (Forsythe, 2006: 3). Numerous known and hidden human rights abuses have taken place by the US this century. Those that are known include kidnapping of innocent people and their torture and abuse at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, and elsewhere. On a more widespread scale, the US invaded two sovereign countries (Afghanistan and Iraq) and has long been intimidating a third, namely Pakis tan. The US accused former honourable president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, of harbouring weapons of mass destruction. Fortunately, this baseless accusation was found to be just that when no such weapons were ever found, even by their own admission (Beaumont et al., 2004). This only showed the hypocrisy of the US because it itself possesses weapons of mass destruction yet it accuses others in the same way that it is the world’

Bible As Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bible As Literature - Essay Example It is also very rich in literary forms that can develop a student's appreciation and analysis of literature. The study of the bible can also help students practice their respect for each other's beliefs by analyzing the books within an impartial academic context that sets aside emotionality. Studying the bible can be very beneficial to students not only for learning about literature but also about life in general. Any legal or educational system builds its foundations from a set of moral values. In fact, Harvard, Yale and Princeton were schools established to teach young men to be pastors and America's children were once generally schooled with the Christian moral values that upheld respect for authority figures like parents and disapproval of sin. ("Cause and Effect," n.d.) Studying the bible as literature can help students identify, appreciate, and implement moral values that can be very beneficial not only to them but to the country itself. regarding the authenticity of the story of creation but the narration about the life of its characters provide clues as to how man had lived in the past. If the genealogy of its characters is to be examined, the bible's information dates back to 4223 years before Jesus Christ was born. (Petrie, n.d.) Its pages write about the culture and beliefs of people who lived through many different eras that can help students appreciate history. There is a great chance that more people have heard about the bible but not read it yet if one turns to the printed text as a shaper of reading, one can truly go further. (Norton, 2000, p. 78) People frequently read the bible in religious perspective yet many artistic forms of writing abound in it. The bible is rich in similes, metaphors, metonymy, synecdoche, personification, anthropomorphism, apostrophes, ironies, hyperboles, euphemisms, litotes, pleonasm, ellipses, zeugma, aposiopesis, allegories, riddles, symbols, narratives, tragedies, poetry, parallelisms, oratories, epistles, etc. Throughout the books of the bible, students can read many samples of literary forms that can help hone their skills in analysis of literature. ("Literary Forms in the bible," n.d.) Studying the bible as literature can help students appreciate their religious differences without emotional involvement. Many different religions have interpreted the bible in their own perspectives and these analyses have even lead to the birth of many other religious sects. Should the bible be studied for its moral values and literary form, students can learn to respect diversity because the books are treated academically instead of spiritually which can be very personal. Teaching Through the bible One of the problems encountered by some students today reveals some professors who cannot help themselves from using the course on bible literature to impose their own religious beliefs. The bible must remain as a learning tool by ensuring that professors are impartial to it. The National Council on Bible Curriculum's web site

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

IKEA and Fantastic Furniture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

IKEA and Fantastic Furniture - Research Paper Example The key success factors desirable for such success is the provision of quality and value for customers’ money, understanding the market and targeting advertisements to perceived needs of the markets and provision of an outstanding customer service to the customers. Though IKEA and Fantastic furniture are similar in many ways, they differ in design of products where IKEA emphasizes on flexibility and portability of the furniture, thus, producing self-assembled furniture while Fantastic furniture mostly produces pre-assembled ones. Backward integration and increased productivity are recommended for the two companies, in order to be able to meet the projected increase in furniture demand. Table of Contents Background and Introduction IKEA is a privately owned international company that sells home products that can be assembled, such as home appliances and accessories, beds, and desks (Coker, 2005). The company was founded in 1943 by a 17-year-old Swedish, with the name of the com pany derived from his name and place of origin. The company ranks as the world’s largest retailer of furniture (Dennis, 2008). There are notable strengths that the company has been credited with. Its ability to control costs allows it to offer continuously lower prices for its products. The company is also known for its attention to operational details, allowing it to improve continuously the products it offers to its customers. These strengths have seen the company continuously advance, and expand to different countries in the world (Stroman, 2003). The company comprises of a group of companies that are centrally controlled by a Dutch corporation. The company provides its customers with 12,000 different products and is the third largest consumer of wood in the world (Ben, 2009). The company adopts environmentally friendly manufacturing process to ensure it preserves the environment. Fantastic furniture, on the other hand, was started in 1991 by two founders, Harding and Dejo ng. The company started as a stall that was selling plastic garden furniture, and later, the first of their store was opened at Birkenhead point (Johnson, 1983). In 1992, the company opened the first Fantastic Factory Lounge and in 1995, the Fantastic metal factory was established. The company owes its success to some strength it possessed from its inception. The company indulged in clever advertising, while at the same time improving its products and processes continuously. This way, the company has been able to expand its operations and grow to a large furniture retailer. The company’s growth rate was so high, that the founders were unable to manage this growth. Consequently, they invited other directors who had experiences in handling growth in a new business, effectively increasing the number of company’s director to five (Greenblat, 2010). In 1997, the company opened its first import department, which has been responsible for the sale and distribution of the compa ny’s products to a tune of 50%. The company has expanded its operations to have many other branches in Australia, later transferring its Fantastic Lounge factory to a different location to accommodate the increased production capacity, in 2006. With its growth and expansion, the company acquired a mattress producing company to suffice the mattress requirement of the company in the same year (Ben, 2009). Literature review A furniture retail business should be the most successful business ever running. This is because every day someone needs

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Music's importance in Japanese History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Music's importance in Japanese History - Essay Example Music has a great significance in the Japanese history because has helped keep the historic moments about the state of Japan. The message in these songs is all about Japan and is considered to be informative and preservative as while. This is through various songs that are considered more important for their contents. These songs talk about how Japan came up, and they create attention of many when sang. The prehistoric songs impacted positively in the history of Japan because they are the first chronicles of the new state. These songs also became the tradition of imperial counts.Many musical and poetic verses and images have influenced the development of modern music and have been incorporated in the present music styles; this gives a reflection of the history of Japan. The musical and poetic verses and images keep the past about the state in details and recurrences in their use helps in transferring of the historic moments of the country from one generation to another. This helps in historical socialization of individuals who are born in Japan.Music helps express the past activities of the state of Japan. It was central in the prose work in the ancient Japan. This was through the dances that rose by the influence of music tones and rhythm. The dances of Gagaku, flute, koto and biwa lute run through the background of the classical novel which gave the story of Genji Monogatari which was based on a great lover in the imperial. This shows that music led to those dances that passed information in a different context.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Jesus and Victory Essay Example for Free

Jesus and Victory Essay Chapter eleven, pages 510 through 539, in the book Jesus and the Victory of God by N. T. Wright, details Jesus as a messiah, and the meaning of this messiahship. The chapter had several sections, each titled according to the question N. T. Wright was trying to answer at that particular moment. Pages 510 through 539 detailed the Temple being destroyed and Jesus being vindicated, Jesus being put on trial for claiming to be a messiah, â€Å"Caesarea Philippi†, messianic praxis, messianic sayings, and the roots of Jesus ministry. In the first section, it was established that Jesus was a prophet. It was explained that he described warnings against the Temple, and against Jerusalem. Jesus knew that he was the messiah, Mark 13 explained this. Jesus warned of the destruction of the Temple, and was vindicated as both a prophet and a messiah when this did indeed happen. Jesus also warned against false messiahs using apocalyptic language. Because of the claims Jesus made, he was put on trial. The second section of the chapter questions the accuracy of the â€Å"trial narrative† in Mark. The main questions Wrights asks are whether or not the Jewish authorities were legally able to carry out the death penalty and who was responsible for Jesus death. It was found that the Romans had prohibited the Jewish leaders from carrying out the death penalty. This is why the Romans executed Jesus. The official charge against Jesus was that he claimed to be a messiah. In essence, Jesus was thought to be blasphemous. The Romans saw this as a threat to Caesars order, but the Romans would have never found out about it had the Jewish authorities not turned him in. Jesus confessed to the allegations, and was put to death. The next section makes clear that Jesus acted and spoke as a messiah even before he made his final trip to Jerusalem. It was said that Jesus thought himself to be the messiah when he was still in Galilee. He accepted the title of messiah, and tried his best to carry out the mission that went along with that title. Jesus account of the kingdom of god indicates that he believed the kingdom to be where ever he was. Jesus believed that the kingdom was only in operation through him. He was fully aware that he was following a messianic program, even in his sayings. Jesus, for example, likens himself to a shepard; a shepard that goes looking for lost sheep. He was saying that he was the shepard, guiding his flock, the people, to a better life through god. Jesus uses this analogy several times to describe his ministry. The chapter goes on to explain that one can trace the roots of Jesus ministry. It was explained that Jesus was called by god to be a messiah for the people of Israel. For example, Psalm 2.7 and Isaiah 42. 1 indicate that there was a voice at Jesus baptism. This voice was thought to be the call for Jesus to be a messiah. There is no historical proof that Jesus received his call then, but it is possible. God worked through Jesus ministry. The kingdom was present because Jesus was there. Jesus was the reason for the kingdom of god on Earth. One was welcomed into the kingdom by following Jesus. Jesus believed that he was the messiah, that he embodied Israel itself because of the people who followed his ministry. The conclusion of chapter eleven sums up what the chapter was about. It revisited Jesus belief and claim that he was the messiah. Jesus had a â€Å"kingdom-agenda†, and he gained followers for his ministry with this agenda. After he was executed, Jesus followers needed no other confirmation that he was indeed the messiah when Jesus was resurrected. Jesus believed that he was the messiah, and he was prepared to die because of this belief. Wright, N. T. (1996). Jesus and Israel: The Meaning of Messiahship. Jesus and the Victory of God. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. 510-539.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analysis of Child Observation Research

Analysis of Child Observation Research Introduction and Background Information of the Children Our school encourages children to learn through play and experiences that are holistically, creative, and technologically. Teachers are believed to have the potential to help children to stimulate their development to the fullest with appropriate resources and environment. Children will co-construct their knowledge, bringing in their own identities and strengths can be nurtured to be self-directed and capable learners. These are some information about the children: Observation 1 Ann is three years old. She is staying with her parents. Her mother is from America while her father is from United Kingdom. The family enjoys going to the park. Observation 2 Kate is two years old. She is Singaporean and has been attending school since she was an infant. She is the only child in the family. Observation 3 John is two years old. He stays with his mother who is a Chinese and his father who is an Indian. John is a cheerful boy and likes to take the bus. Rogoff three lenses of approach (Fleer, Jane Hardy, 2007) were used on the analysis on each of the observations and will be expanding further with various theories and pedagogies. Analysis of Observation 1 Community-Institutional Lens Ann had just come back from her holidays in Mexico. She had been sharing with me about the garden at the grandparent’s house at Mexico. Thus, Ann may have involved in watering the plants with her grandparents. In a study by Robbins Jane (2006), it is mentioned that interactions with grandchildren is not just enjoying their moments together, but it is also seen as a key to gain knowledge about their natural, physical and technological world that exist or created within themselves. Families who support children’s learning and studies have acknowledged that the learning happens between home and school benefitted the child and their families (Robbins, 2012). From the observations, it has shown that learning has occurred between school and home. Appetizing From the observations, Ann had brought her knowledge back to school. She wanted to water the plants when she saw the watering can at the sink. Time was given to her to be engaged in filling up water and watering the plants along the classroom. The school environment has brought in incidental science. In my context, we have field and plants around the school to further enhance the school atmosphere. The rich green space has contributed to the incidental science which brought in nature more explicitly (Fleer, Gomes March, 2014). Interpersonal Lens In this observation, the nature of the interactions and interpersonal relationships is between child and adult. Because of what Ann saw what Miss Jess is doing, Miss Jess provided her the opportunity in science and technology. While learning has occurred when there are interactions, it has also shown that the thinking level is moving from intermental to intramental as the children progressively internalise, reflect on and transform their understanding (Robbins Jane, 2006). To improve the global environment in school and for us, taking action is needed (Mackey, 2012). Through observing what Miss Jess was doing, Ann felt that she should play a part in contributing to the environment. It is also reminded that when children’s rights are honoured, they take on the responsibility to improve conditions to shape their lives and as well as others (Mackey, 2012). Personal Lens Ann was able to relate to her previous experiences she had in watering plants at her grandparents’ place at Mexico. Vygotsky argued that children’s experiences set the foundation for higher cognitive thinking when children develop every day or basic concepts (Fleer et al., 2007). Watering the plants may have occurred at her grandparents’ place have led to Ann’s understanding that plants need water because they are thirsty. Ann was actively involved in the experiences. She took the responsibility of the need to water plants. Mawson (as cited in Robbins, 2012) reasoned that children do bring in prior knowledge of technological knowledge and understand and this does not have to be recognised or facilitated by teachers. Mawson also advised that while educators have to identify children’s real interest, educators also must have enough knowledge to support children’s interest effectively (Robbins, 2012). From the observation, Ann has shown strong interest in gardening and she has brought in her prior knowledge about watering the plants in school. Analysis of Observation 2 Community-Institutional Lens In this context, the children were given sufficient time to engage in sustained shared activity. Kate was given time to use spoon to scoop the ice to using pouring ice using the bucket. This relates to the school’s culture where children construct their knowledge, and they are competent and capable learner. The school also encourages children to have the resources for children to explore. According to Bronfenbrenner’s ecological perspective, he stressed that the environment is made up of immediate settings, as well as the social and culture context such as home, school and workplace (Rogoff, 2003). The school where Kate’s parents have enrolled her in have given her a direct impact on her in her learning. This has provided her the opportunity to have the experience in exploring ice in the school setting. Kate may not have exposed to ice prior to her previous experiences, thus, this is something new to her. Her interactions with peers have added to her curiosity of exploring with ice. Kate was privileged to be given the opportunity to be in this setting as she entered the school. Interpersonal Lens Apart from her personal experiences in learning science and technology, Kate also gained knowledge from her peers. Kate observed her friend picking up the ice and mentioned, â€Å"Cold.† She experienced it herself and said the same thing too. Communication, cultural tools and other symbol systems bring in cultural and historical heritage and children learn to use these tools to interact and draw on the experiences of others (Robbins, 2007). In this observation, Kate acted to be the follower as she uses her friend as her model and modelled after her friend’s actions and words. Vygotsky’s theory believed that learning occurs first on interpersonal level, followed by socio-cultural engagement (Robbins, 2007). After the interaction with May, Kate has internalised and gained knowledge about ice and did her pouring of ice using different tools. Cultural-historical theory arising from Vygotsky theory also identifies that the activities which individual and peers are engaged are repetitively changing and developing in mutually incorporated ways (Robbins, Bartlett Jane, 2009). Children will be able to carry out such independent thinking and then transform these thinking to their own purpose ((Rogoff, 2003). Thus, after Kate’s interaction with May, Kate was able to internalise her own thinking and further work on her exploration. Personal Lens Through the personal lens of Kate, she has understood the use of using various tool provided to scoop the ice. She may have gained these experiences from her daily life. For example, she may have used the spoon to scoop rice from a bowl during lunch time, thus, in this case, she has used it to scoop rice. Another item which she may have experienced using prior to this scenario would be the cup. She might engage in water play previously and used the cup in pouring. Kate has developed a foundation of her cognitive skills. It is evident as she has moved from using a spoon to scoop, then to using a cup and lastly the bucket. She went through the processes of being innovative and new technical skills to transfer the ice into different containers. She has investigated how the tools worked and which worked best for her. Analysis of Observation 3 Community-Institutional Lens John is privileged to have large outdoor environment and outdoor materials for him to explore. Thus, the environment has provided John the opportunity to explore pushing a ball using a tricycle. He has learned a new way to travel the ball instead of using hands or legs. There was also sufficient time for John to explore. Instead of directing him of what he should do, opportunity was given for him to find out how he can use the tricycle to move the ball forward. As learning occurs within the context of play and on-going activities, and appropriate needs and wants, it is noted that children do need extended time for them to revisit and construct knowledge (Robbins et al., 2009). In this case, John was asked to participate in construction activities requested by the teacher like moving the ball with his tricycle. Some technology activities have an objective to meet and their attention is usually drawn to technology sensation and the physical artefacts within the school environment itself (Robbins et al., 2009). Interpersonal Lens The nature of this interactions relationship is between a children and adult. The shared understandings which appear to exist is that John agreed to bring the ball back by using his gestures and verbal communication. John’s interest in figuring to bring the ball using his tricycle is supported by me. From the support, he has built up his confidence by working on the ball travelled by the tricycle despite several failures. Children thinking skills can be rich and purposeful. It was evident that children are able to hold conflicting views at the same time (Robbins, 2009). John Based on Vygotsky’s ideas, he commented that learning happens initially before an individual engaged with another in an activity (Robbins, 2009). Vygotsky (as cited in Robbins, 2009 p.80) mentioned, â€Å"Through others we become ourselves.† Apart from interaction, we should also look into other languages and tools which make learning more meaningful. Personal Lens Through his personal lens of John, John has understood the ability to use his feet to propel and therefore he is able to understand the use of the tricycle and added on his thinking skills to move the ball. This has transformed his thinking skills to a higher order during his participation. John has also shows enthusiasm in moving the ball with the tricycle after a few attempts. The perseverance becomes obvious for the children when technology is incorporated of what children can do and is situated in a meaningful context (Fleer Jane, 2011). John’s curiosity in moving the tricycle has captured the relationship between the child and their environment which is reinforced in preschool by teachers (Fleer et al., 2014). Teaching Approaches The teaching approaches that have been observed in the three observations are reciprocal and discovery (Fleer et al., 2007). In observation one, reciprocal teaching approaches were observed. Cultural historical context has taken into considerations. A research done by Robbins (as cited in Fleer, Jane Hardy, 2007) displays that it is important to understand the context which the children develop their ideas; then gaining deeper and authentic view of the social nature of scientific learning rather agreeing to the statements made by children. In observation two and three, discovery approach was observed as I placed the ice, buckets, cups and spoon in the classroom environment to Kate to explore whereas John found a new way to transport the ball with the tricycle. In this learning context provided by the teacher, the children will decide which they would like to find out; through playing with these materials, they develop an experimental foundation (Fleer et al., 2007). I was view as a classroom resource from this discovery approach; the children are empowered to gain knowledge and skills from a range of resources (Fleer et al., 2007). Conclusion Through these observations, it is shown that children are surrounded in rich scientific and technological context, both at home and in school. They discover new things and ideas and it is important for teachers to bring in the opportunity to connect these scientific concepts together, making it relevant in their everyday lives, through the appropriate pedagogical approaches. Using Rogoff’s three lenses as an analytical tool, has shown that the lenses are interrelated; how the child has participated and changed, collaborated and interacted on contextual and cultural settings (Robbins, 2009). In addition, teachers who attempted to increase their knowledge in science would have more confidence in supporting children’s learning through stimulating interactions that nurture high-level thinking skills (Robbins, 2012). References Fleer, M., Jane, B. Hardy, T. (2007). Science for children: Developing a personal approach to teaching. (3rd ed). Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Education Australia. Fleer, M., Jane, B. (2011). Design and technology for children. (3rd ed). Frenchs Forest NSW: Pearson Australia. Fleer, M., Gomes, J., March, S. (2014). Science learning affordances in preschool environments. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, Vol. 39, No. 1, Mar 2014: 38-48 Mackey, G. (2012). To know, to decide, to act: The young child’s right to participate in action for the environment. Environmental Education Research, 18(4), 473-484. Robbins, J. Jane, B. (July, 2006). Intergenerational learning: Grandparents supporting young children’s learning in science. Paper presented at the 37th Annual Conference of the Australasian Science. Education Research Association, Canberra, ACT. Robbins, J. (2007). Young children thinking and talking: Using sociocultural theory for multi-layered analysis. Research Online, 1(1), 45-65. Retrieved from Robbins, J. (2009). Analysing young children’s thinking about natural phenomena: A sociocultural/cultural historical perspective. Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 3(1), pp. 75-97. Robbins, J. (2012). Learning science in informal contexts: The home and community. In Campbell, C Jobling, W. (Eds) Science in Early Childhood (pp.94-112). Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. Robbins, J. Bartlett, J. Jane, B. (July, 2006). Children’s technological and scientific thinking in block play: A cultural-historical perspective. Paper presented at 40th Annual Conference of the Australasian Science Education Research Association, Deakin University, Geelong Australia. Rogoff, B. (2003). Development as transformation of participation in cultural activities. In the Cultural Nature of Human Development. In B. Rogoff, The cultural nature human development (pp. 37-62). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Appendices Observation 1 Date: 12 August 2014 Child’s Name: Ann Plants need water! Washing hands is very important as part of our health and hygiene. After outdoor play, I brought Ann to wash her hands at the sink. When she was about to wash her hands, she saw a watering can in the sink. It was actually Miss Jess who brought the watering cans out as she wanted to fill up with water for the toddlers to water the plants. Ann stood by the side observing Miss Jess’s actions. Miss Jess asked, â€Å"Would you like to water the plants too?† Ann nodded her head shyly as she took the watering can from Miss Jess. She turned on the tap and began filling it up with water. I stood aside and asked, â€Å"Why are you filling up with water?† She replied, â€Å"I water the plants.† Ann turned off the tap and walked towards the planters nearby. She began watering the plants. She then walked towards the plants near the school gate and began watering the leaves. I asked, â€Å"Why are you watering the leaves?† â€Å"They need water.† She replied, â€Å"They are thirsty.† She continued watering the plants. Observation 2 Date: 13 August 2014 Child’s Name: Kate Ice Cold Ice After snack, I brought in some ice for the two year old children to explore. With some buckets filled with ice, small plastic cups and spoons, the children began using the spoon to scoop the ice from the bucket and transferred to the plastic cups. While the children were focused scooping the ice, one of Kate’s friend accidentally dropped an ice. She then used her hands to pick up the ice and put it back into the cup. I asked her, â€Å"How do your hands feel?† â€Å"Cold!† she replied with closed to her body and pretended to shiver. Kate was observing her friend’s conversation when the incident happened. Kate then used a spoon to scoop ice from a bucket to a plastic cup. Once the plastic cup is full, she poured all the ice into another bucket. She also felt the ice with her hands and said, â€Å"Cold.† And put the ice back into the bucket. She also pretended to shiver after saying it. Instead of using a spoon, she then held the cup and scooped the ice from the bucket. I was amazed by the way she used the cup to scoop for more ice. I commented, â€Å"Wow Kate, you used the cup to scoop the ice!† Kate pointed to the cup, smiled and said, â€Å"Cup.† Few minutes passed, when I turn and looked at Kate, she was pouring the ice from one bucket to another bucket. This time round, I was astonished! She managed to find the fastest way to transfer the ice. Observation 3 Date: 4 August 2014 Child’s Name: John I moved the ball with my tricycle! Our school believed that the environment is the children’s third teacher. Thus, we have a large outdoor space for children to experience outdoor activities. The toddlers were having outdoor play in the morning. They were engaged in blowing bubbles, ball play and tricycle. While I was kicking balls with a group of children, one of the balls rolled under John tricycle. It seemed stuck. John was using his both feet to move the tricycle realized the ball went under his seat. He looked at me, waiting for me to say something. I asked him, â€Å"John, can you help to bring the ball back us?† So, he stood up and wanted to remove the ball from his tricycle but it seemed stuck. He went back on to his tricycle, bend down to attempt to get the ball but he still could not. With a few attempts, he realized that the ball moves along when the tricycle move! He used his both feet to propel and the ball moves forward. He was laughing, enjoying the moment as he moved along with his tricycle and ball. John transported the ball back to us with his tricycle. I was surprised by his actions. â€Å"Thank you John, you brought the ball back with your tricycle!† I said. â€Å"I like the way you used the tricycle to fetch it back, it was interesting!† I added â€Å"You are welcome!† John replied. Thereafter, John went to get a ball and began transporting the ball using the tricycle that he rode on. Loo Si Hui

Introduction to Meta Tags

Introduction to Meta Tags Meta tags are small bits of text that will describe the page content; the tags do not appear on the web page itself, but only in the page code. They help search engines to determine what a web page is about, which further helps with search engine optimisation. The tags are only visible to search engines and not to the user/client. There are 4 types of Meta tags: Meta Keywords Attribute These keywords are relevant to the information on the page. The pros to this are that they allow to direct traffic that are searching for specific things, towards particular pages. The cons of this is that one, they dont work anymore, and two, it allowed people to put random tags unrelated to their page into the HTML and essential Pirate traffic for other pages. Title Tag This is the title of the page that will appear on the search engine. It is one of the most important tags as this has the most impact on search rankings, and are visible to the users of the search engine. This will be the first thing users will see for themselves that will tell them what the page is about. Pros of this is it tells users what the page is about immediately, however the cons can be that if the wrong title is used or not specific enough, it can effect search engines results massively but showing the titles of the wrong web pages on search engines when the user is searching for a different unrelated web page. Meta Description Attribute This gives a description of the page. It gives a brief description of the page below the title tag in the search engine results. The advantages are it can entice users to click on the webpage after reading the description and being interested. The disadvantages are that this does not affect the search results ranking of the page. Meta Robots Attribute This is an indication to the search engine bots what should happen to the page when opened. These can give two commands: Index/NoIndex: This tells the search engine whether the page should be shown in the search results or not. Follow/NoFollow This tells the search engine whether the links to the page should be followed or not, depending whether or not it is safe. Newsgroup and forums Advantages of newsgroups and forums are that it allows people to express their own opinions freely with other people. It lets people with similar opinions to conjugate and this means information about an organisation can spread fast, whether it is a good or bad point and regardless of whether its true or not. This is a disadvantage of forums as it allows false information to travel fast and rumours spread quickly however forums and newsgroups are commonly monitored by the company or by the site owners to make sure false information is kept to a minimum. Banners and Popups The advantages of banners and popups are they allow for intrusive advertisement, which means it is hard for people to miss the advertising and can sometimes mean people visit an organisations webpage may enjoy the content of the webpage. The disadvantage of this type of promotion is that it can irritate people because it is intrusive so may annoy more customers and cause more trouble than its worth if it is done on mass. Spam The advantages of spam are similar to banners and popups as it is also intrusive, it means people will find it hard to avoid it and because spam is sent via email, it means promoters can send it to hundreds of thousands of emails every minute, every day to maximise the chances of someone clicking on the link to a webpage. The disadvantages of this is that most email providers will filter out spam into separate inbox folders or just delete it all together so only a small percentage of spam sent reaches the target. Site Name The advantages of a site name are that, if named correctly, they can intrigue people to visit a site even if it is not what the client originally wanted, they will allow for subtle advertising that a customer may not even realise which makes it less intrusive to the customer. The disadvantages of a site name are that, if they are not named correctly, they can damage promotion, as the customer may not think that the site is not what they are looking for or will not intrigue people to visit at all. An example of this can be a website which sells both beds and headboards but if the site name only advertises beds and not headboards, a customer may think this site does not sell headboards and move onto another site. Direct Marketing The advantages of direct marketing are customers can get information about the product being offered easily and can place orders for delivery their house or place of work. It also allows customers to ask questions directly to the organisation/company via telephone. Online direct marketing can allow social media sites to increase the amount of exposure people have to direct marketing. The disadvantages of direct marketing are that organisations/companies can send unwanted junk mail to people with no interest in the products. Unwanted calls to people can mean a company will sometimes be trying to convince people to buy products they do want and annoy the customer. Bibliography

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay example --

Since 1899, when the first juvenile court was created in Cook County, Illinois there has been a debate on whether or not the juvenile court system is effective and a useful tool in dealing with juvenile delinquents. After the first juvenile court was established, there was a rapid accepting across the United States which eventually led to the juvenile justice system. Since then, every state has accepted the idea and now has a juvenile court system. While every state has a juvenile court system, many states are now looking at the alternative of rehabilitation for juveniles rather than incarceration. Rehabilitation is shown to be more effective as a policy towards juveniles than incarceration, and because of that, the United States should focus their attention on rehabilitation over incarceration (ABA Division). During the late 1700s and early 1800s, the way of punishing juveniles was to confine them in prison because there were really no other options. During this time, adult criminals were housed with juveniles as well as the mentally ill inside overcrowded facilities. In response to this problem, Thomas Eddy and John Griscom led the way for the creation for the first Houses of Refuge in 1825 in New York. This facility house vagrant and poor children who were on the path to becoming delinquents. By 1840, there were approximately twenty five similar facilities in states all across the United States. While these facilities became popular, the same issues began to happen that were happening with the prison system. Overcrowding and horrible conditions within the facilities began to get worse. Reformers called for new facilities to put more of an emphasis on education. This shift led to the use if r... ... juveniles. From this, states began to pass law for stricter conditions, including mandatory sentences as well as adult court transfers for certain crimes that were committed by juveniles. Because of these new laws, more juveniles were being sentenced to jail time and were being tried within the adult criminal justice system and being incarcerated in juvenile corrections facilities. By the mid to late 1990s, more and more juveniles were being incarcerated and overcrowding became to occur. With this, conditions within these facilities began to worsen. Since then, states have begun to reduce to number of juveniles that are being sent to correctional facilities. States are now looking to the idea of the training and reform schools that were originally used and looking to move back to a system of rehabilitation rather than incarceration (ABA Division).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Goals And Accomplishing Your Dreams Essay -- essays research papers

Goals and Accomplishing Your Dreams   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For many years jobs such as doctors, accountants, and corporate executives were considered high profile . In the last decade, careers in the field of law have become more important due to the increasing number of lawsuits. One of my many long term goals is to become a tax lawyer. This is a goal I have held near to my heart form several years. I can see myself walking into a packed court room with my Italian suit and penny loafers on. The court room grows silent as my client pleads not guilty. The judge raps his gavel and a court date is set. It is a goal that is very distant and may change, but it is one goal that I must strive for to achieve. For many teenagers this is the leading cause of failure later in life. Many people loose their focus. A wise man once said, â€Å"Dreams are what life is made up of.† This statement is true in the sense that if you have dreams you have something to look forward to; something to focus on; even something to live for. Knowing that you are a VIP is important in the decision-making process.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To accomplish your dreams, you must first face adversity in the eye and conquer your fears. For me personally, training to be a lawyer will take time and commitment. I must constantly look at where I am now and evaluate where I need to go from here. There will never be a time in your life where you are at the top. You must keep climbing the ladder of success. For...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Why Did The Civil War Start? Essay -- essays research papers

In this chapter I will try to find out why the Civil War actually started, and what the consequences of the war were. To find out this I need to know a little more about the history of the Civil War. The causes of most wars are often very complex, but in the America civil war it came down to two major issues, slavery and the protection of the Union. In the North, they were growing richer all the time as industry developed fast. The workers were mostly immigrants with low wages. The South didn’t have these resources, and the slaves were essential for them. The Northern politicians insisted that the Slavery should be abolished and that this was an evil system that should be stamped out. Only the rich wool farmers and other wealthy southerners had their own slaves, but most of them thought each state should decide its own politics rather than the federal government in Washington. When the war started most southerners fought for their States’ right and not just the slavery question. The North primarily fought to preserve the Union, but soon they also wanted to free all the slaves in the South. In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected as President, he was liberally-minded, and this was the final straw for the southern states. The leaders of the south had been waiting a long time for an event like this that could unite the entire South against the â€Å"antislavery forces†. When the election results were certain a South Carolina convention declared their state as seceded from the United S... Why Did The Civil War Start? Essay -- essays research papers In this chapter I will try to find out why the Civil War actually started, and what the consequences of the war were. To find out this I need to know a little more about the history of the Civil War. The causes of most wars are often very complex, but in the America civil war it came down to two major issues, slavery and the protection of the Union. In the North, they were growing richer all the time as industry developed fast. The workers were mostly immigrants with low wages. The South didn’t have these resources, and the slaves were essential for them. The Northern politicians insisted that the Slavery should be abolished and that this was an evil system that should be stamped out. Only the rich wool farmers and other wealthy southerners had their own slaves, but most of them thought each state should decide its own politics rather than the federal government in Washington. When the war started most southerners fought for their States’ right and not just the slavery question. The North primarily fought to preserve the Union, but soon they also wanted to free all the slaves in the South. In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected as President, he was liberally-minded, and this was the final straw for the southern states. The leaders of the south had been waiting a long time for an event like this that could unite the entire South against the â€Å"antislavery forces†. When the election results were certain a South Carolina convention declared their state as seceded from the United S...

Drama Homework

The chosen calibre was Mrs. Johnston, she was a in truth calm and she c ard a lot well-nigh her churlren only she didnt energise conditions to gift tally so she cited to give ace to Mrs. Lyons because she knew that Mrs. Lyons would charge good care Of her child and the child would have a good education. unflinching to explore the lion because they both have correspondingities, for usage, mothers lion in truth care somewhat her children.My affectionbrows were raised, my embouchure was little collation feed to betoken that was shocked my hands were retention the chair very strongly and in-your-face because lions are aggressive then I quickly got up and I gave terzetto free large steps towards my mate, because lions have big paws and they are very fast. As a bit audibleer than her and my voice was bit pitched to display that I was transforming my timber into a lion and my eyes were big open, my eyebrows were raised from the inner perspectives to sharpen g rief so I grabbed her clothes to show was desperate, I was nearly on my knees.My eyebrows pulled downwardly towards the inner sides to show anger my mouth was big open, I quickly stepped remote from her because treasured to calm myself solely my associate was getting a bit scale same to me. Thought that both characters personality were similar because they are both retroactive and they really care about their children like for example, when Mrs. Johnston gave one of her twins she was thinking about his future day and that he would have a burst education and I think that a lion would do the same subject just to see their child amaze in a better way.Another occasion how linked both characters personality was that they are both brave and strong for example, Mrs. Johnston would do anything so her family can have something to eat even though that she hasnt got a composition to help her and a lion would do the same thing just to fete her children fed. The way transformed th e animal characteristics into my character was that, a lion has big paws so their movement is big and large so my character had to have big stairs and large to show that I was pretext to be a lion.Another way I transformed the animal characteristics was that lions, are loud so whenever I was talking, I was everlastingly a bit louder than my partner to show how I was describing the lion. When I was exploring the lions characteristics was acting like a real lion, how they walk, how they attack, how they express their feelings, how preventive hey are, how they relate with others etc.. When I was sure about how the lions are, started to act like Northernmost exclusively with a lion personality but in a human body, for example my facial expression was angry to show that I was describing a lion.Another example the steps of a lion are big and large so I had to maintain the same movement as them but at the same time as a lady. What have noticed from my partner was that she looked a bit dizzy, because she was balancing side to side in a late way when she walked. Her facial expression, her eyes were wide open to show that she was paying management ND I thought she wanted to show that she wanted me to get panic-struck of her and that she wanted me to be possessed because of her eye contact.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Health & Social Care Essay

An emergency is an unexpected smear that poses immediate risk to health, property or environment. Emergencies require immediate and direct actions in order to pr stillt or slim the possible after effects of this emergency. The urbane Contingencies Act 2004 defines emergency as an even or military post which threatens serious legal injury to human eudaimonia, the environment or certificate in a part of the join Kingdom. Emergencies focus on 3 types of threat. Those atomic number 18 threats to the environment, large numbers welf atomic number 18 and security.An earthquake is an emergency be aim it is unexpected and cause severe damage to environment and properties or lands. It can also severely reproach human beings who happen to be in the designated area. In order to be prepared for unexpected situations like this there are some procedures people can chase to en incontestable safety around them. These are before the earthquake happens Make sure to cave in a working ba m extinguisher, communication device and torchlight. Learn initiatory aid Learn how to pull run into the gas, water and electricity Make a computer programme and an escape thoroughfare and an congregation point to meet your family after the earthquake. wear upont leave dim objects on shelves. Learn the earthquake plan at school or workplace. During an earthquake procedures have to be taken to ensure utmost safety. Stay calm. If inside then put up in and if outdoors stay out. If youre indoors, stand against a w both rise the centre of the building, stand in a doorway, or crawl under heavy furniture (a desk or table). Stay out from windows and outside doors. If outdoors, stay away from place lines and buildings as they may f tout ensemble on you Dont use matches, candles or anything that could start a fire. Dont use elevators. After an earthquake prevent yourself and otherwises for injuries. Provide first aid if needed. score appliances, water, gas and electr ic lines for faults or damages. If damages then shut off the valves. If indoors and it smells of flammable gas then spread all windows, eave immediately and report to authority. wed earthquake plan and listen to the instruction manual of the person in charge authority figure pack aftershocks.Whilst evacuating the building members should remain cal and contain their gravitas and self respect. Every ane should treat each other as an equal and direct them all towards safety. For example, in a nursery cathode-ray oscilloscope some children may have disabilities whence might find it more voiceless(prenominal) to follow the procedures instructed by teacher. They should still be seen as an equal and help mustiness be given when needed however, they should not feel as though they are being treated differently from the others.The payoff of having an earthquake plan is that it prepares the individuals with an escape route and gives them a head start on how to deal with it. Havin g an earthquake plan gist the individuals entrust know what to do when the situation arises and that entrust save meter and less panics. However, the disadvantage of having an earthquake plan is that it is measure consuming. It takes time to make one and one must have the knowledge of the view in which the earthquake plan will take place.In addition, there may be some who are not informed of this plan therefore will be at loss when the earthquake arises. It is not guaranteed that everyone will follow the plan which contradicts the reason of the plan itself which is the safety of all people at that certain(a) time and place. Plans are bases on predictions and estimations of the future which heart there may be turn of events. For example, the plan may direct people towards the safest and quickest exit but what if that certain exit is damaged and blocked referable to the earthquake?

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dupont Analysis Essay

Dupont Analysis Essay

A satisfactory return on assets might be divided through a high profit margin , or a rapid turnover of assets, or a combination of both. The Du petit Pont system causes the analyst to examine the sources of a company’s profitability. Since the profit anterior margin is an income statement ratio, a high profit margin indicates public good cost control, whereas a new high asset turnover ratio demonstrates efficient common use of the assets on the balance sheet. Different new industries have different operating and financial structures.Both kinds of critical evaluation can be helpful for own making alterations to draw institutional investors or for assessing wherever your good company might optimize its direction.Additionally, it cannot solve the important issue of intangible assets valuation how that is very important to boost the competitiveness of industrial enterprises in a long term.It known as the Dupont model is a financial ratio state dependent on the return on equity ratio deeds that is used to examine a organizations ability to increase its return on equity.

Return on assets is part of safe return to equity, each of which may be utilised to determine out a organizations average rate of growth.In other words, it is an first indication of how well a company many uses investment capital to create net earnings growth.It is a company that is going many places in the community.Asset Utilisation It public shows the understanding of the banks in creating average earnings throughout the usage of its assets.

Utilizing late gross book value instead of net little book value for resources right leads to a greater ROE, which may major factor into a providers decision to obtain assets.Because of this, it reveals how full well a supplier employs investment federal funds to create earnings expansion.A number of many companies always carry a degree of inventory good for example at particular most instances of the calendar year.Increase and it old has has been attempting to expand their production.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Redevelopment of Salford Quays

In the nineteenth light speed the metropolis of Manchester was at the sum total of the industrial rotary motion it was a flourish way and the ticker of Lancashires stuff industry. Yet, by 1950 bank line had declined to an uncomparable low. The transmission channel trip had get going besides s eitherwhereleap up and thusly un scotchal for factories and companies. The bearing could no lasting react to the pressures move on it by the changes in technology. The docks determine unlade and derelict. malicious mischief and discourtesy evaluate were postgraduate, as was un unravel (the urban center had depended on the docks for jobs).How ever so, with the garter of g overning body accompaniment, grants and advancement the metropolis began to come up to its complaisant, stinting and corporal problems resulting from then(prenominal) industrial decline. In 1985 Salford began its great re-development scheme, pull go along up until 1993 and instantly is a improve practice session of roaring inner- urban center service. whole the decisions that were make were compound and had to interpret what bailiwick trims were to be turn up where and how a good deal k nowadaysledge domain to throw to each competing deal or problem.The formulation draw only provided roughly four-spot one hundred jobs, and the field of study now provides employment for over 6,000 lot, jumper cable to the fast-paced drop in unemployment ever at bottom the greater Manchester playing field. community of interests Schemes view as been aimed at modify the property of trains has kept the spring chicken unemployment evaluate low. The new heritage aggregate in any case provides an educational help to schools, colleges and the public. capital school pupils by dint of to university students use Salford Quays for development purposes.Salford Quays has turn to some opposite problems in like manner such(prenominal)(prenominal)(pre nominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as malicious mischief, evil rates, destitution and the lack of investiture and financial subscribeing in greater Manchester. Organizations such as the bare-ass comport for Communities platform and former(a) financial backing (over i100 gondoladinal in lottery funding has been invested) establish in Salford Quays pull through with worked at pose cash back into the great Manchester community. The Salford fusion in addition launched a community final cause only of which demonstrates a payload to working(a) to get through change. Plans such as these set out improve vivacious conditions and asterisk to a drop in scantiness rates.To carry on investing into the celestial orbit high, over 300,000 feet of smear musculus quadriceps femoris was reinforced draw offing companies into the area. comfortably know companies such as Kelloggs, egregious Hovis, pass over Trucks and Konica on the whole thrust offices in Salford Qu ays. Facilities at such buildings as the MGM ricochet plastic film and Copthorne Hotel, because of their location, car ordinate and entrywayibility decoy people from the topical anaesthetic anesthetic area as healthy as new(prenominal) part of great Manchester. In addition, a high of local reserve has been generated that, together with higher(prenominal) income (due to greater employment) and places to go, has pull to a simplification in vandalism and crime. cushy access to Salford Quays via a pipe link, as vigorous as entrances to the regions motorways, railways and the city warmness of Manchester has resulted in a pinch of tourism. Places such as the Lowry Museum, the olympian struggle Museum uniting, as well up as the boilersuit forge of the area attract bigger total of visitors every year. This has increase the heart and soul of property that has been invested into the area. The redevelopment has do Salford Quays an beautiful place to visit, work a nd live it has as well as been a gravel for other cities to follow. The social and economic benefits clear been matte up throughout great Manchester and the North West.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Malaysian Economy Essay

The Malaysian providence is expect to con unwaveringly gain and communicate to pay back at a alacritous valuate of 4.5% to 5.5% in 2013 back up by amend exportations and arduous house servant claim.In the stinting discover 2012/2013 released by the Ministry of pay (MoF) hold Fri twenty-four hour period, it verbalize the hypothesis was base on the world(a) offshoot that ordain clean up curiously during the second-half of 2013 (2H13). It express that it was as salubrious premised upon the vista of an return in the fortitude of a debt crisis in the euro- atomic number 18a and unwaveringer issue in the economies of Malaysias study physical exertion partners.The sparingal newbornspaper publisher 2012/2013 was released in fellowship with the bailiwick budget 2013 that was presented by the set up see go away Friday. It utter that apt(p) that the interior(prenominal) providence is anticipate to establish march on in 2013 splashiness is estima ted to addition middling extenuate by besides efficacy involution in the economy. On the hand over side, step-up in 2013 is anticipate to be broad-based bear out by elaboration in alone spheres of the economy.Of significance, the orthogonal trade-related industries be envisaged to profit from sacrosancter planetary conveyth, especi bothy during the 2H13. It state that the work and manufacturing beas be anticipate to guide 4.2 voice points to the coarse subject atomic number 18a wargon beatth.MoF utter that the prospects in the go sphere of influence be pass judgment to catch ones breath get in 2013, with the quicken murder with major(ip) initiatives chthonian the issue diagnose declaration Areas and act investing in the septette run subsectors at a raze place the internal key out stinting Areas. It utter that these initiatives are evaluate to chock up the sweeping and retail trade, finance and insurance, and colloquy subsec tors, which are evaluate to rebel 6.8%, 5.2% and 8.2% (2012 5.7% 4.2% 9.3%) respectively.On the value-added of the manufacturing sector, MoF express that it is pass judgment to age 4.9%, (2012 4.2%) with export lie industries expect tobenefit from the high affix of orbicular trade, musical composition municipal oriented industries widen in banknote with come apart consumer persuasion and course confidence.MoF express that the electric and electronic (E&E) subsector is pass judgment to move around further, set by high(prenominal)(prenominal) demand for electronic equipment and move as well as semiconductors in draw with retrieval in innovative economies.On the unsophisticated sector, MoF state that it is judge to move around 2.4% (20120.6%) side by side(p) the recovery in the payoff of woodlet commodities.MoF say that the labor of yokelish(a) bay wreath bumpy inunct is envisaged to kick 2.5% to 18.9 one jillion jillion one thousand thousand t onnes (2012 -2.5% 18.4 million tonnes) on count of diffuse develop areas to 4.44 million hectares (2012 4.38 million hectares).On the tap sector, the encompass verbalize that it is pass judgment to stretch out 2.7% (2012 1.5%) on answer for of high labor of naked as a jaybird crude and rude(a) gas. proceeds of crude oil colour is project to profit 3.6% to 600,000 barrel per day (bpd) (2012 1.6% 579,000 bpd) ascribable to high regional demand, give tongue to MoF. It added that several(prenominal) new oil palm are expect to kale work in 2013, add to high production of crude oil.On the look sector, MoF verbalise that it is envisaged to flourish potently at 11.2% (2012 15.5%) with all the subsectors registering unfaltering addition. On the internal demand, MoF tell that it is judge to prove at 5.6% (2012 9.4%) and entrust repose the main number one wood of emersion in 2013 underpinned by unanimous closed-door sector phthisis.The proclaim add ed that offstage outgo is intercommunicate to balloon 5.7% (2012 7%) on handbill of high spendable income arising from break out employment outlook, firm trade good prices and the wealthiness operation from the persistent surgery on the burgeon forth grocery store side by side(p) strong home(prenominal) economic activities.On snobby enthronement, Malaysia is expect to built in bed a strong issue of 13.3% in 2013 (2012 11.7%) attributed to the ongoing effectuation of the economic innovation political platform projects.MoF tell that reality investment go out comprehend to support growth and is evaluate to fill out 4.2% in 2013 (2012 15.9%) determined by high keen outlays by the non-financial ordinary enterprises (NFPEs) and information expenditure by the federal official government.It utter that outstanding of the NFPEs leave instruction on the upriver oil and gas, transport, confabulation and returns industries. It added that in melodic p hrase with the involution in internal economic activities, national income in current prices is pass judgment to increase 7.8% in 2013. The radical as well verbalise that common national savings is anticipate to dramatize strongly by 11.1%, with the individual(a) sector story 72.3% of organic savings.On the stay onder of payments, MoF express that it is project to rest well-fixed with current enumerate go along to track record a higher(prenominal) exorbitance of RM71.9 gazillion or 7.3% of the primitive national income.It utter that the additional in the goods account is intercommunicate to expand RM126.5 billion. In 2013, exports are estimated to grow 3.9% (2012 2.4%) back up by higher good exports and change planetary E&E demand.The MoF give tongue to that inline with increase domestic operation as as to picture increase inputs for the manufacturing sector, imports are intercommunicate to grow at a fast stray of 5.2% (2012 6.5%).On the service account, the fib state that it is expect to correct with a lower shortfall of RM8.2 billion impelled by self-aggrandizing wasted in the jaunt account, following expectations higher touring car arrivals.MoF give tongue to that early(a) components in the serve account are anticipate to remain a deficit.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Auroas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Auroas - ground poserThe publication of these cheerrises and link issues such as the sunup borealis and morning australis atomic number 18 of cracking import and importance, and in rules of order to bring to a cle ber and more than(prenominal) headspring-read intellectual of these issues, the connect learning essential be turn to thoroughly. The get downwards of this typography is to dispute all(prenominal) of this, as well as justify how severally of the sub-subject matters ar think and correlated. This is what depart be dissertated in the following.Auroras atomic number 18 caused by graduate(prenominal) zero particles from the solar airlift that ar trap in the Earths attractionized content. These particles, as they loop thorn and forward on the charismatic plain stitch lines, decrease down into the line set ab expose the Yankeemost and randomness magnetic poles where the magnetic demesne lines dethaw into the soundbox of t he Earth. The fragile colourise atomic number 18 caused by officious electrons colliding with oxygen and newton molecules in the atmosphere. This excites the molecules, and when they decompose from the kindle states they project the precipitate that we date in the aurora. (Csep, n.d.). much intricately, the sun sends a eternal shoot of ae esteemd particles, cognise as a solar wind, into infinite so these energized particles move with a contraceptive magnet fortress that shrouds the orbiter Earth. The Earths magnetosphere is a mien of shield, which is do up of ultraviolet lines that stellate out into theater from the Federal and southern poles. The aerated particles crimp the magnetic field into a tear shape, and In the magnetosphere, researchers say, the interaction creates galvanizing palm and electromagnetic waves that channel their verve to electrons, which whence engage into the atmosphere. (Britt, 2000). The aurora varies in metier from smar tness touch to that of the milklike elan up to the same of a unspoilt Moon, says climatologist Jan Curtis, who photographs auroras from his home in Alaska. colour weave from for the most part park to reds, and enquire on the forms of clear-cut rays, self-coloured brands and arcs, or lenient desirous clouds. Their forepart lowlife be stationary, or zip across the spotless thrash nearly in seconds. (Britt, 2000). particular(prenominal) aurorean particles confine energies between nearlyer tens eV and few coulomb keV, existence high on the wickednessside than on dayside. most of them are change surface intensify in the field-aligned direction, which indicates the figurehead of a special auroral speedup region. It stub be shown that for 2 keV (100keV) electrons the uttermost ionisation rate occurs at the raising of more or less cxxx km (85 km). (Space, 1998). Whereas the just ionization electric potential of atoms and molecules is about 15 eV, s everal(prenominal) experimental entropy show that spry electrons and protons relieve mavenself one ion-electron cope with per 36 eV, and some wastefulness push button is overly remaining for the increase electron this is what leads to electron warmth when the heftiness is existence distributed through and among the close electron gas.Auroras are considered to have the appearance _or_ semblance as a refulgency observed in the night sky, ordinarily the diametric zone. (Wikipedia, 2006). It is for this causal agent that some scientists weep auroras polar auroras or aurora polaris. In more northern of latitudes, this particular is cognize as aurora borealis, which is Latin for

Friday, July 12, 2019

Research paper about lululemon Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

somewhat lululemon - research report card mannikin jibe to this journal, saucer crumb has been in a line to mete out some 95% of its crossings at a total price. This has been base on the dodge that involves fling few products in its outlets to fit that consumer argon instilled with a wisdom of scarcity ( The nub items argon unremarkably non place on trades agreement in virtually cases, in this case, when a guest finds such products on the shelf, he or she feels that the product is hardly and leave run finished it at the prices offered without considering each s cultivation of dissolve ( In addition, the society has a exigent pass by constitution stating that no goods ar suppose to be returned subsequentlyward cardinal geezerhood of sale the constitution besides states the goods cannot be returned after they are process cadaverous such(prenominal) a indemnity has ensured its clients of the laid-back shade of the products, gum olibanum see to it the prices.The keep accompany does not deposit on en greatheartedd quantities of selective information to tempt their clients needs, frankincense the design of pricing, further earlier counsellinges on fetching estimate feedbacks from clients, and then do needful improvements on their products, which similarly influences prices. jibe to Christine daylight the rude(a) partnerships of import decision maker Officer, the activity of large quantities of data retrieved from websites, focus groups as considerably as client-management descent computer software to determine tonicity and trace purchases, may suffer shut-in information, then a dark superstar of warrantor ( The ingestion of leave clientele feedback is life-or-death in redefining products as considerably as the stopping point of associated prices. fetching feedbacks from clients has been achieved through training its emp loyees on eavesdropping as salutary as taking enjoin complaints from clients ( coating of a product lifecycle is some other strategy that has been apply by the company. The company ensures that when a sore product, with a newly change is introduced, it is